Product(s) Review (long)


New Member
Well after all the drama I went through to get the Affirm 5 in 1 Reconstructor I must say that I am truly impressed. This product is really good, it made my hair elastic. I followed the instructions but I did use heat with it for 30 minutes; my hair smelled really good, it defined my waves (like most reconstructors do for me) and best of all I didn't have to use a moisturizing conditioner afterwards to soften or detangle my hair. I will continue to use this product in the future (I just won't order if from Sheldeez ever again).

The next product I used was Star's Lacio Lacio, overall I really like how soft this made my hair feel and it provided more of a sheen than a shine for me. I finally did my rollerset with mesh rollers (so much better than the magnetic ones)! I will post pics tomarrow, I made sure I had a spray bottle to make my hair soaking wet. It worked like a charm, after an hour and half under my dryer my hair came out bouncy and soft. I ran my curling iron over it because I am texturized and my hair wasn't straight straight. Whenever I plan on straightening my hair I will now rollerset first. It makes a BIG difference no more blowfrying!

Last product I tried was Nacidit's Mixed conditioner, it's a deep treatment but I used it as a pre-poo...the verdict is still out on this one. I may have to use it again and as a deep treatment to see just how it works.