Product reviews: Nacidit & Capilo


Beauty IS skin deep.
This stuff is amazing. I'm loving it!! I just got finished washing my hair and this was the conditioner I used. Soft, strong, easily detangled hair. I didn't even have to use my comb!! I was floored by the softness, as I reported the same thing when I did my review on the avacado hair conditioner. I'll have to get used to the smell (it's not the bad, but it isn't too hot either). I'm just loving the softness though, it's incredible.

I followed up with this. It's a coconut oil rinse and boy is it worth it!! It's just as good as the olive oil rinse I raved about. It leaves an incredible shine and softness behind and the smell is amazing!! And did I mention slip?? Yes, it gives wonderful slip. I am in love with dominican rinses and conditioners and I'm officially making them a part of my regimen!!!

Miss Cherokee,

I am going to try this. I just got the Nacidit Avocado condish and rinse stuff today. I am going to try your product next, and just alternate with the other stuff. I got the Cinnamon & Sole too, I heard that was really good to, great for hair follicles.. I have to try not to get anything else until I use it up. I go through a lot of condish though, I am just starting on the rinse. I am going to do my first one on Thursday. I cant wait!
I've been looking for a new deep conditioner. I'll remember the Honey & Milk conditioner next time I order from beautyofnewyork.

Miss Cherokee,

I am going to try this. I just got the Nacidit Avocado condish and rinse stuff today. I am going to try your product next, and just alternate with the other stuff. I got the Cinnamon & Sole too, I heard that was really good to, great for hair follicles.. I have to try not to get anything else until I use it up. I go through a lot of condish though, I am just starting on the rinse. I am going to do my first one on Thursday. I cant wait!
Be sure to let us know how it turned out. Dominican products are wonderful. I'm only mad that I didn't find out about them years ago!!
I've been looking for a new deep conditioner. I'll remember the Honey & Milk conditioner next time I order from beautyofnewyork.

It's a really good product. And it was only $3.99 for the small jar. These sizes come in handy when you want to just test something out, rather than buying a whole big jar. Now that I like it, I'll be ordering the bigger jar next time:yep:
Okay, I've read two dom. raves in a row and ya'll are starting to make me mad. I want some! *pouting*