Product Review-Ojon


New Member

As I read the Essence Mag- Feb. 06 one of the beauty editors suggested the Ojon Hair Mask to strenghten hair. I wanted to know if anyone has used this product line? If so what are your thoughts and which products would you suggest.

My hair has been breaking from my highlights, I have tried Aphogree treatments but it is not helping.

Thoughts and suggestions on Ojon
You should search on the topic because there are a few threads about it.

I have used th mask once and it is not worth the $$ to me. It was a great conditioner, but for the cost it was nothing to write home about. I don't get why they feel they have to put such a high price tag on it.

But, I think you should at least try it to get your own feeling about it. Try buying the one use packs. Sometimes they are on Ebay. You can even get a jar of it on ebat for $30 or so.
HoneyDew said:
You should search on the topic because there are a few threads about it.

I have used th mask once and it is not worth the $$ to me. It was a great conditioner, but for the cost it was nothing to write home about. I don't get why they feel they have to put such a high price tag on it.
I've read other reviews to that effect: it's overpriced for what it does.
Great idea I'll search for other threads. Thanks!

I'm at witts end about my hair breaking. Like Carl Thomas I'm "Emotional" when it comes to my beautiful mane.
planodiva said:
Great idea I'll search for other threads. Thanks!

I'm at witts end about my hair breaking. Like Carl Thomas I'm "Emotional" when it comes to my beautiful mane.

Have you tried NExxus's Emergencee? this stuff is pretty powerful too w/o the stank smell and it's plant derived.
I liked Ojon ... I tried the shampoo, conditioner and the oil...the smell is very fragrant, but once you get used to that the products performed pretty well.

Overall, I don't think it was worth the $$$$!