Product Review: Nacidit Avacado Oil Rinse


Beauty IS skin deep.
I'm doing a mini series of product reviews for Dominican products that I purchased about 2 weeks ago. I just finished washing my hair and I used the Nacidit Avacado Oil Rinse as my final product before rinsing. Although it didn't give me the slip and the softness I was looking for, it did have some good detangling properties. This is in comparison to the Praital Silk Worm Rinse I used last week. The Silk Worm Rinse did not help with detangling (still had to use my comb), but it made my hair feel soft and smooth. The Avacado Oil Rinse did not make my hair soft and smooth like I anticipated, but I didn't have to use my comb to detangle before rinsing. So, that was a plus for me. However, as with the Praital Rinse, I will continue to use the Nacidit to see if I can get better results. I will be using both every week (on different wash days of course) until I am finished with both. I will then give a final review on both products.
Nice review, thanks. I have been wondering about this product and rinses in general. :yep:

Do you have the olive conditoner that is supposed to striaghten your hair?
Nice review, thanks. I have been wondering about this product and rinses in general. :yep:

Do you have the olive conditoner that is supposed to striaghten your hair?[/quote]

I do have this one as well. However, I won't be trying it out until I finish the other 2. I also have the coconut oil rinse too.
I'm doing a mini series of product reviews for Dominican products that I purchased about 2 weeks ago. I just finished washing my hair and I used the Nacidit Avacado Oil Rinse as my final product before rinsing. Although it didn't give me the slip and the softness I was looking for, it did have some good detangling properties. This is in comparison to the Praital Silk Worm Rinse I used last week. The Silk Worm Rinse did not help with detangling (still had to use my comb), but it made my hair feel soft and smooth. The Avacado Oil Rinse did not make my hair soft and smooth like I anticipated, but I didn't have to use my comb to detangle before rinsing. So, that was a plus for me. However, as with the Praital Rinse, I will continue to use the Nacidit to see if I can get better results. I will be using both every week (on different wash days of course) until I am finished with both. I will then give a final review on both products.

Nice review...but did you try all the Nacidit Avacado Oil products? Poo, DC and then rinse? I notice when I mix different product lines, my hair will not slip. Maybe that is just me.

Going to check this stuff out!! :yep:
No, I just used the rinse. I didn't purchase the poo & condish (I have so much of that). I do have the Capilo Avacado Conditioner though that I'll be trying out soon. It sounds delish:lick:
It is something about that Avacado! :yep: I just got me a cheapie Avacado leave in...forgot who made it because I am at work but OMG...My hair was sooooo shiny.
It is something about that Avacado! :yep: I just got me a cheapie Avacado leave in...forgot who made it because I am at work but OMG...My hair was sooooo shiny.

Yeah, avacado products are good for the hair. In addition to shine, they also make your hair soft. I can't wait to try that conditioner out.