Product review Lady Fior Olive Oil Plus Kita (Curl Remover)


New Member
Hello all!
I am a newbie to LHC. I am currently natural with 3c/4a hair ( I think! My hair is about 3-5 different textures). I have recently started going to a Dominican hair salon. She mentioned gettin a texturizer to make the roller set and blow out last longer. I am so afraid of chemicals! I have been natural for 13 years! Since moving to NC (from cali) I can't do my cali press/flat iron ( stays straight for 1-2 hours then poof is wavy again!). So I research some products online and here. I found this Lady Fior Olive Plus Kita on This product sells it will straighen hair like a relaxer without the harsh chemicals! I wanted to know if anyone has tried this product? Also my hair dresser stated she would place a text in my hair for $175! My hair is about APL! It was BSL but she had to cut it due to split ends ( I have not cut in 4 years! I am my own stylist). So if any one could help a girl out I would love your feed back and reviews and suggestions!

You sound unsure. A texturizer is a milder version of a relaxer, so if you know that you cannot handle the care of hair after its been chemically-proccessed; then I wouldn't get it done. To be honest, even if your hair is texturized, its not going to make your rollersets easier or last longer, because 3a hair is still difficult with the tangles. You're still going to have to use heat to get that smooth sleek appearance because your hair will STILL be curly (trust.... I KNOW:rolleyes::lachen:). If you like you natural hair then...

Keep the hair the way it is.

I am interested to know your results. I have type 3 hair that
straightens easily but poofs back up even easier. I have seen the conditioner, but I never believed that it alone would keep my hair straight. I thought it would help loosen the waves, but they still would need to be gone over with some type of heat &/or rollerset. Keep us posted!!
I don't think the texturizer is a good idea. Like another poster said its just a mild relaxer, and if you don't want the chemicals then don't even bother. Maybe you can research some other products to try or other methods of wearing your hair to reduce the poof. JMO
So I think I am getting over this texturizer idea...I need to keep being I tried the Lady Fior Olive Oil Plus conditioner and I did not notice a drastic change. I did notice my edges were a little straight and my curl pattern did losen a little. So I did a roller set and blow out. You can see my results in my fotki. I am trying to get the hang of the blow out part. I sweat a lot ( my other problem at staying straight). My biggest problem right now is trying to find a hair style for my wedding in April. Thank god the location we be in a dry area. Any one else out there have suggestion on getting natural hair straight for a couple of days or longer...Or even some cute wedding half up to styles....Thank you:grin:
Hello all!
I am a newbie to LHC. I am currently natural with 3c/4a hair ( I think! My hair is about 3-5 different textures). I have recently started going to a Dominican hair salon. She mentioned gettin a texturizer to make the roller set and blow out last longer. I am so afraid of chemicals! I have been natural for 13 years! Since moving to NC (from cali) I can't do my cali press/flat iron ( stays straight for 1-2 hours then poof is wavy again!). So I research some products online and here. I found this Lady Fior Olive Plus Kita on This product sells it will straighen hair like a relaxer without the harsh chemicals! I wanted to know if anyone has tried this product? Also my hair dresser stated she would place a text in my hair for $175! My hair is about APL! It was BSL but she had to cut it due to split ends ( I have not cut in 4 years! I am my own stylist). So if any one could help a girl out I would love your feed back and reviews and suggestions!


The Kita is not a texturizer. It supposedly removes curl from your hair until the next time you wash but most people I know who have tried it says it loosens the curl, but doesn't give the same results as a texturizer/relaxer. Furthermore, to me the whole point of going to a Dominican salon is so I don't have to relax or texturize so often (texlax my hair every 16-24 weeks) and if I were you, I'd try to find another salon in the area that isn't pressing you about getting one if that's not what you want. Don't let them change your MO just for the sake of their convenience! I'm off the soapbox now, honestly but for real, do what you think is best for you.
Thanks, I try so hard to style my own hair. In 2000 I refused to let anyone else take care of my. This lead to my lack of hair cut or trims! I went to the Aveda hair school and allowed them to take off 3 inches in NOV. 07. I went to my first Dominican Hair salon in Jan 08 and got it cut another 3 inches because it still has split ends! I will not get a trim q 6-8wks. I will go to the Dominicans then cause I can't afford to pay $50 every week! Until then I will rotate btwn roller set and two strand twist. Wish me luck
This was one of my 'hits' in the December thread. I liked it, it helped make my hair a little more manageable, defined and de-poofed it a bit. It's a good conditioner but that's didn't really "remove" any curls. I will repurchase it though.