Product Review......Korres


Active Member
I have been looking for a product for my hair that I can get locally so I didn't have to buy up products every time I came home.

Well I think I have found it. I have 4a/b hair.

Last weekend I used Korres

Sunflower shampoo - Ok, my hair felt a bit stipped but not bad
Shea butter and vitamins conditioner - Hair was really soft and easy to comb
Leave in conditioner - hair felt like butter, the comb just glided through my hair!!!:drunk:
Add Aveda serum

Then I let my hair airdry, my ends stayed moist. Then I flat ironed my hair. It had so much body and so soft!!!! ANDDDD, it stayed that way all week! Usually within three days, my hair loses the body and becomes a bit hard...

I am going to try it again today, but I think I have found my staple!!!
Thanks for the review. I was curious about the products. Maybe I will get some after I finish the "don't buy any products in may" challenge.