Product Review: Gary Null's Heavenly Hair Cleanser


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Product Review: Gary Null\'s Heavenly Hair Cleanser

This review is for Tracy and Jen. For anybody else, I hope that it is helpful, too.

To my sisters on the May Withdrawal Challenge, this is an old staple product of mine, so I did not cheat


I think I started using this product in early 2000. At the time, I was looking for an alternative to using strictly Aubrey Organics castile/coconut oil -based shampoos. I wanted the shampoo to be gentle and any moisturizing qualities would be a bonus.

I had been reading about the use of decyl polyglucose (derived from corn oil) as an alternative to harsher cleansers like SLS, SLES and the ability to retain the suds which the former are known to generate. Decyl polyglucose was supposed to generate PLENTY of suds but with no stripping effects. The woman who started the California Baby company was really the innovator with the use of decyl polyglucose.

Why Gary Null?

I figured I would try Gary Null's Heavenly Hair Cleanser after looking at the ingredients. His decyl polyglucose shampoo had a hefty dose of aloe, tons of sugars and other goodies.


Whole Leaf Aloe Vera Concentrate Blended with an Herbal Infusion of Oat, Horsetail, Nettle, Hawthorne, Comfrey, Ginseng, Licorice and Grape Seed Extracts, Liposome Delivery System(Phospholipid lecithin) of Methylsulfonlmethane(MSM-Organic Sulfur), Jojoba Oil, Panthenol (Pro-vitamin B5), Hydrolyzed Quinoa Protein, Cocopolyglucose Citrate (Coconut), Ccobetaine (Coconut), Soapberry Extract(Jaboncilio Berry Saponins) Vegetable Glycerine, AHA Complex of Water and Bilberry and Sugar Cane and Sugar Maple and Orange and Lemon Extracts, Citric Acid, Essential Oil Fragrance of Cherry Almond Bark, Sodium Hydromethyl Glycinate.


The smell is that of true cherry almond bark. Think a true cherry smell. However, once you have rinsed the shampoo, surprisingly, you will not smell any odor. Just clean, clean hair and invigorated scalp.

The lather is tremendous. It's just like a conventional SLS, SLES shampoo in terms of the suds generated. The shampoo is extremely concentrated and very little is necessary to get sufficient lather.

Your scalp will feel extremely clean, fresh and overall healthy. Your hair should feel soft and relatively tangle-free. I always notice a few, but no matting or anything near that.

For Jen and Tracy, I want to tell you guys that you will not have the "slip" which I know some people prefer with shampoos. However, your hair should be very moisturized and soft. I do believe that it is the hefty dose of aloe in the product which makes the difference.

Price and Availability

The suggested retail price for this product is $14.95 for 16oz. I always catch sales at the Vitamin Shoppe and have usually paid between $8.95 and $10.95. You should also be able to find it at local healthfood stores. The other thing is that Gary Null's company runs huge sales in the summer usually on this product and the facial mask in the line. Last time, through their mail circular, I paid $6.95 and bought 4 bottles.

Overall Rating

5/'s an awesome product. It has more than "proved" its excellence with the passage of time.

Final Note

For anyone who is trying to find a shampoo with MSM in it, I think this would be one of the best choices available. The overall product formulation is what makes the difference with any of the MSM shampoos.


Re: Product Review: Gary Null\'s Heavenly Hair Cleanser

Thanks for the review, Jade. The ingredients in this shampoo look promising!
Re: Product Review: Gary Null\'s Heavenly Hair Cleanser

Great review Jade!! I'll check this out at my local healthfood store. Is this the shampoo u use weekly?
Re: Product Review: Gary Null\'s Heavenly Hair Cleanser

Wow, Jade! That shampoo sounds awesome! You know my new favorite shampoo the Clairol 5x doesn't give slip, but after it's rinsed out makes my hair feel great. I already have the Gary Null added to my online shopping basket for my next order.

Thanks for taking the time to write this very thorough product review and listing the ingredients. You are awesome!

Re: Product Review: Gary Null\'s Heavenly Hair Cleanser


Well THANK YOU girl!

Wow it sounds soooo good. I give the most FABULOUS reviews! Thank you so much. I am sold. I'll be taking a little walky-walk to the local health food store to see if I can find it there.

I don't like slip in my shampoo at all - so that's a huge plus. I like my shampoos to CLEAN not moisturize. AND it has MSM which I heavn't been able to take orally with success yet.

Once again, thank you, Nena. I appreciate it.
Re: Product Review: Gary Null\'s Heavenly Hair Cleanser

Thanks for the great review. Now I've got this product and the Roger & Gallet shampoo on my to-buy list.
Re: Product Review: Gary Null\'s Heavenly Hair Cleanser


I've used this shampoo for months at a time with nothing else. Lately, what I have been doing is rotating it with Creme of Nature works extremely well on doing it that way. I've been washing about 3-4x per week.

Defintely give it a test drive

Re: Product Review: Gary Null\'s Heavenly Hair Cleanser

Thanks Jade, I'm off to look for it tomorrow
Being a dedicated PJ... eh hem, PT (product tester) is hard work
Re: Product Review: Gary Null\'s Heavenly Hair Cleanser

Nice review Jade,
I've been using this shampoo off and on for about two years (I believe it was you who hipped me to it). Love the suds (compared to Aubrey) , Love the smell!

Re: Product Review: Gary Null\'s Heavenly Hair Cleanser

I bought some of this today ($11.96 @ Vitamin Shoppe). The smell is awesome.
I can't wait to try it!