Product rave! New Era Platinum Shea Butter Creme


New Member
Hi ladies,
I am somewhat new here..been lurking since June and haven't posted very frequently on the board. Nonetheless, I thought I would share this great product I discovered today with everyone. I went to my local Sally's today to get some proclaim aloe hot oil treatments (best protein treatment my hair has ever had, even better than aphogee :) ) And in the midst of looking for the hot oil treatments I noticed a new product in a metallic purple and white container called New Era Platinum Shea Butter Creme. It was only $3.29 so the PJ in me told me I had to buy it! I purchased one jar and used it as a moisturizer when I got home and my hair was left amazingly soft! The best part is there was absolutely NO greasy build-up! The instructions say that this product can also be used as a deep conditioner, which is definitely a bonus! Even my hands were super soft after applying the product to my hair. They felt like I had just lotioned them with body butter or something. Anywho, if you're looking for a new moisturizer/deep conditioner you should def. check this one out! You will not be disappointed;)
:p Now, you know you are not right. You gave us two plugs here (one for the hot oil treatment that's better than Aphrogee) and the one for the New Era butter creme. You know there are people who are p.j's and recovering ones too and you go and do something like this......going to sally's quietly and check it out...he he he!!!!!

Well, i'm just kidding....welcome to the board. Sorry I'm late in saying it.

Great stuff (New Era) Been using for years. the Shea Butter creme is at Sallys. And I refuse to be in recovery. Full on PJ!!!
I just left Sally's yesterday and sad to say that I will be right back in there tomorrow.

I have got to get my hads on the hot oil treatment and the New Era product.

P.s. Your hair is beautiful!