Product Junkies stand up!


3rd Big Chop on 7/18/2016
I love hair products, I can spend all day in the BSS if I didn't have self control. This is my weird system for doing my hair

Pre-poo with any condition (NTM, or something someone gave me from DR that has whale sperm in it!)
Shampoo (anything from Herbal Essence, or Creme of Natural green label)
Deep condition twice (Mendex by Roux, Aphogee, or Sebastian 2 + 1 Deep Conditioning Treatment)
Then finally get my hair ready for my rollerset by loading up on BB Oil Moisturizer, ORS olive oil, and sealing on coconut oil
Then onces it's dry adding a little more moisturizers and oil and serum.
i am a true pj and aint ashamed lol. i could spend all day in the bss too.
but i generally dont do my own hair. i can but prefer the salon.
i just started going to dominican salons two weeks ago and the funny thing is is that was my first time getting a roller set AND I LOVE IT. i will still get a press and curl every three months but every other week a rollerst and blow out roots is good enough for me.

my routine:
the night before i get my hair done i drench my hair in spectrum coconut oil and wrap my hair
the go to the dominicans and get a wash, always deep deep condition and then set.
i never let them put products in my hair (like spray because some of them do that)
and then when i go home i use shea butter and jojoba oil mixture sealed with JBCO or eqp recovery oil moisturizer sealed with JBCO and wrap my hair