Product Junkies (PJ's) C'mon

Poll as you go....

  • I've been new when in the last???

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • I've purchaed furniture to support my products???

    Votes: 9 69.2%
  • I keep my reggie to KISS, so I name no longer a PJ?

    Votes: 2 15.4%

  • Total voters


New Member
Hello Ladies, this Thread is for PRODUCT JUNKIES. You all are sooo informative, but I thought I would begin a thread that makes you smile.:grin:

Ladies, please allow me to begin. Before I joined LHCF I never saught to purchase soooo many products in my life! But after joining this forum and wanting to shoot for "healthy hair" once again in my life....which way do we go? Sooo I would go to Walgreens, Krogers, Online Orders, Marshall, Ross, (heck Piggly Wiggly if Texas had 1) and many othe stores seeing PRODUCTS~PRODUCTS~ AND MORE PRODUCTS...:wallbash: ok~ok I'm confused now lol....I want this...I want that...I'll try this....I must have that... lolrofl..giveme giveme

Nevertheless, I found myself over-filling my bathroom cabinets, tub\shower area and space(s) in my bedroom. So one day I was out shopping and look what I found; a place to store my products. Then realized there was a set of these cabinets (see pic)....hummm how I could fill those up!!!!:lachen:

I purchased 1 storage box, and then went back 24hrs to get the other one. Now I feel satisfied...Everything must have a place, and you need a space to store everything. this thread has changed to I AM MY OWN SUPPPLIER, BECAUSE I PURCHASE THIS ITEM TO SUPPORT MY HABIT OF BEING A PJ....lolrofl..

Any other lady out there care to tell of their bad habit?


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Lets see, I know I'm a product junkie now because I set aside $30 every month just for new products that I haven't tried yet. I hear about so many good products and I just have to try it. I have even walked to the store one day to buy a product that I kept reading about and I couldn't wait until hubby came home that evening (we only have one car)

Everytime I start slowing down, I read about another great product and it's off to the store to try it.
I voted KISS but in all reality....
You know you're a PJ when you buy simple stuff like EVOO and EVCO in large quantities in case you get sick and can't get out and buy some if you run out. I have LOTS of oils on standby in the event of nuclear fall out! I need a hair PANTRY!
You know you're a product junkie when...

1. You have a Christmas List for your hair. Yes, I do...and left it sitting out on the counter somy roommate might just *happen* to see it.

2. When you can't walk past a beauty supply store without walking in...not to buy, just to SEE what they have.

3. You always walk down the hair care / hair accessory aisle at the grocery store or Walgreens just to "check it out"...

:look: :lachen:
:lachen:LOL!! I feel bad cause I already have to of those rolling Sterilite brand 3 tier drawers along with my 2 Sterilite large stackable drawers full of hair accessories, "spare weave", and tools....not to mention my undersink cabinets and vanity drawers have hair stuff everywhere. I'm actually thinking of rearranging my entire bathroom, since I have become so much of a PJ.... especially after joining LHCF, just to make room for NEW items and to get a better system going cause I am sort of OCD-like and everything has a to have a place in my yeah....hmmm....I may need to go to therapy... NOT!!!! I don't care what anybody says!!! I am gonna be a PJ til I find what works for me. I think we all got a lil PJ in us. Singing "It's just the hair freak in me!!"....:woot::yay:
Lets face it- leave it up to the ladies in LHCF, there is always gonna be some temptation and if we are weak my brothas and sistas we can almost be sure that we would unravel at the very thought of some new potion to free us from our coily, kinky, or wavy shackles called hair so we are no longer in bondage to our vanity mirrors for hours at a time trying to figure out "what is we gone do?!!" Then we run to our desktop an go mad on LHCF like addicts for some suggestions on some hair crack vendors and we will tell ourselves every lie in the book about why we need this next new item :pinocchio...and for us broke sistahs we will go in our kitchen and find whatever is "mixable" trying to see what works. You even have the nerve to ask yourself "hey i wonder if I can use this old bacon grease to help my hair". :brainy: Then you slap yourself on the forehead and say Girl what is wrong with you! Get it togehter!!! (or at least somebody on LHCF will).....whew! I was getting a lil crazy there :drunk: ....guess that was my lil confession/guilt!
You know you are a junkie when you travel to another borough and 1 hour in NYC traffic to get 1 bottle of a covetted conditioner.
u know ur a product junkie when....... u buy products that are going to be discontinued, even tho u have never tried them before. u want ot buy it before its no available anymore. but of course i look at the ingredients ;)
You a PJ when whenever you go to a new unfamilliar store you check for a hair product section.

you a pj when you go hair product shopping can make a bad day into a fabulous day!
I have a hair wish list thats was 5 pages long...I've got it down to 4 but I can't seem to get off of page 4 because someone keeps mentioning more stuff that I want to try!
The poll didn't really make sense to me, even after the addendum so I'll just say:

You're a PJ when:

Your child knows probably as much about hair care as their mommy :look:. DD was talking about the Instyler infomercial the other day. She sat and watched the whole thing. My fault.

You can do a price comparison mentally.

You know your cc #'s by heart, including the security code.

You quickly and unconciously debunk hair myths and garbage when you hear it.

You can recommend a product recipe for dang near any condition or problem.

You get all light headed and dizzy when you see something on sale or a low quantitiy of a product you really want to try/buy :spinning:.

You can almost to the penny calculate shipping in your head.

Your currency is conditioner. This is just something I've said in my head numerous times: "Why do people lurk for so long when it only costs 6 bottles of V05 or two 32 oz bottles of Suave Humectant to become a forum member?" :look:

You have mini panic attacks while waiting on a package to come. AND speed home to be there in time.

Your USPS, UPS, AND Fed Ex men know your name and your work schedule :look:.

You can look at over 90% of the posts and say "I have/had that" particular product.

You buy in bulk.

You hoard discontinued products just for the hell of it. Even if you've never tried it. What would happen if you decided you wanted to try it at a later date but it's no longer available. Then what???

You instantly recognize formula changes, bottle/jar changes.

You actually measure out the product to see if the amount listed on the jar is really there. Hey, don't judge. There have been several times I've done this and found that my 16 oz is really 14.5!!! Bastids.

You can never remember what you used on your hair, even if it was less than 24 hrs before.

Easliy forget you have something and repurchase.

Spend 20 minutes in the hair section of Walgreen's reading product labels.

Browse Sally, TJ Maxx, Marshall's and the BSS on shipment days.

I'll be back with more. These only apply to me :ohwell:

ETA: Just thought of another... When you go out of town, you want to check out ALL of the local BSS in case they carry something yours don't! This worked out for me this summer and I discovered a few gems in a bodega around the way.

Oh, you don't mind going to the grimiest part of town if they carry what you need.
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Your a PJ when you have found your staple products but you keep trying out others that may be better or just for a back-up.

When everytime you cross off a product on your wish list and add two more. (The list is never empty)
you are a pj when you watch informercials and your hand starts to shake.

when if you havent gotten anything (much like any) in a while you become grouchy.

when co workers you hardly know, know exactly what to get you for christmas.
You know you're a product junkie when your dh asks whether or not you making another "hair concoction." I just smile and keep stirring my deep condish/melted shea butter/oil mixture.
I voted KISS but in all reality....
You know you're a PJ when you buy simple stuff like EVOO and EVCO in large quantities in case you get sick and can't get out and buy some if you run out. I have LOTS of oils on standby in the event of nuclear fall out! I need a hair PANTRY!

:lachen:Me too. Mega-sized pots of butters and such. I think my Dominican condish is around 20 lbs and the avocado butter takes up a good portion of the table it's setting on lol. Thank G-d this stuff isn't illicit drugs because I'd be dead.:lachen:
How about you call yourself using up a product and you're so proud, you treat yourself by buying 3 more :look:
You know you are a product junkie when you have a closet and a bathroom with nothing but hair products organized by line and frequency of usage.
You know you're a product junkie when...

1. You have a Christmas List for your hair. Yes, I do...and left it sitting out on the counter somy roommate might just *happen* to see it.

2. When you can't walk past a beauty supply store without walking in...not to buy, just to SEE what they have.

3. You always walk down the hair care / hair accessory aisle at the grocery store or Walgreens just to "check it out"...

:look: :lachen:

I am guilty of all of these! I keep my product wish list year-round. Plus...

My guest bathroom stores some my products! (and there is that inconspicuous corner in the kitchen pantry with coconut milk, honey, evoo..., all of the edibles that I know are just used on my hair)

I have bought extra furniture to store my stuff too. A wooden cabinet in my bathroom, and a three drawer shelf that's in my bathroom closet.
When UPS/FedEx delivers a package full of goodies/samples and you completely forgot that you ordered it (this has happened to me more than once).

It's always a great surprise though.
The poll didn't really make sense to me, even after the addendum so I'll just say:

You're a PJ when:

You can do a price comparison mentally.

You know your cc #'s by heart, including the security code.--So so sad, I do know them by heart.

You get all light headed and dizzy when you see something on sale or a low quantitiy of a product you really want to try/buy :spinning:.

You have mini panic attacks while waiting on a package to come. AND speed home to be there in time.

Your USPS, UPS, AND Fed Ex men know your name and your work schedule :look:.--Yes they know me on a first name basis at my post office.

You can look at over 90% of the posts and say "I have/had that" particular product.--OMG, I was reading over the 2009 wish list and I realized that I have or have tried 95% of the products listed and I have most of the styling equipment and appliances.

You hoard discontinued products just for the hell of it. Even if you've never tried it. What would happen if you decided you wanted to try it at a later date but it's no longer available. Then what???---Always in TJ Maxx and Marshalls looking for "different" products.

You instantly recognize formula changes, bottle/jar changes.---I'm still upset that ORS changed the formula for the replenishing just hasn't been the same:nono:.

Browse Sally, TJ Maxx, Marshall's and the BSS on shipment days. :look:

ETA: Just thought of another... When you go out of town, you want to check out ALL of the local BSS in case they carry something yours don't! This worked out for me this summer and I discovered a few gems in a bodega around the way.---I'll be in da hood baby! They got the best selection!

Oh, you don't mind going to the grimiest part of town if they carry what you need.

ITA with all the bolded!:look::grin:
You're a PJ when:

Your child knows probably as much about hair care as their mommy :look:. DD was talking about the Instyler infomercial the other day. She sat and watched the whole thing. My fault.

You can do a price comparison mentally.

You know your cc #'s by heart, including the security code.

You quickly and unconciously debunk hair myths and garbage when you hear it.

You can recommend a product recipe for dang near any condition or problem.


In my best Mr. Butterworth's accent, "Oh dearrrr, I think I'm going to professional help...hehehehe."

This is me, oh lawd, this is me.
Your a PJ when you go buy a mini fridge just so you can store your home made conditioners, shampoos and oils. I have this on my Christmas list. That way nothing gets mistaken as food!
You know you're a PJ when you use your 4 yr old DD as an 'excuse' to buy hair products so DH won't question why you're buying more hair products...:sekret:

When it takes a full 24 hrs to figure out what you're going to wash and deep condition
Your a PJ when you go buy a mini fridge just so you can store your home made conditioners, shampoos and oils. I have this on my Christmas list. That way nothing gets mistaken as food!
After eyeballing the mini fridge in SO's game room, I had been thinking about this myself. I might just take his since he only keeps beer and water in it anyway. Such a waste :look:.