Product for Nape Area



I am relaxed (4b) and I can't stand the way the hair looks on my nape area when it appears. I keep it shaved. I want to try to grow it out.

My question is if you wear a ponytail and have hair in your nape area, do use a specific product on that area to make it not look so blah.....
Do you mean "blah" as in dry? My nape requires more moisture than other sections. I also use more oil on my nape.
Your niece is cute. Yes, I mean Blah as in dry.


As of Wednesday, I am 11 weeks post-relaxer. I have been wearing my hair in a ponytail for about three or four days. I apply leave in (I am currently using Skala G3 Ceramides) and after my hair soaks in the moisture, I apply either sunflower oil (more ceramides) or Hollywood Beauty Castor oil (a grease type product). This is what works for me.

Question (s): Have you tried using Porosity Control conditioner on your nape? What about hot oil treatments?
when i wear my hair up in the back I use a little hemp oil and eco style gel and I have to keep it tied down with a scarf until the gel dries because my hair is short.. but that does the trick for me. I also have one of the slowest growing napes in the world!
No, I haven't thought about Porosity Control. I did use a hot oil treatment today, but did not concentrate on the nape area. I'll try those two. What will the Porosity Control do?
No, I haven't thought about Porosity Control. I did use a hot oil treatment today, but did not concentrate on the nape area. I'll try those two. What will the Porosity Control do?

Porosity Control conditioner will level out your hair's porosity and help it to retain moisture. I started off using it once a week and now I use it about once a month. It also helps to detangle your hair as well. When you try these, let me know how they worked for you!
My nape is a problem area for me too. I stopped relaxing it this year because it kept breaking off. And lately I have been spritzing it with water and messaging it with oil (JBCO or HOT Six) daily. I find that it's helped with the excessive dryness. HTH!
when I wear a ponytail I apply Hawaiian Silky 14-in-1 to my nape and then some Elasta QP Feels Like Silk Liquid Styling Gel, it doesn't get hard on my hair.