Product for Maximum Shine and Definition (for 4a/b hair)

Hi ladies -

Do any of you know of a product I can use by itself or a product I can use along with one other product that will give my hair maximum shine and curl definition? I have Eco Styler gel but I don't like to use it alone. The problem is that when I apply a little bit of anything cremey it leaves my hair looking dull even if I use eco styler on top (e.g., Shea butter, Knot Today, Shea Moisture leave in, etc).

Does anyone know of anything that can help me achieve my intended result of max shine and max definition (without damage)?

Thanks so much!! :grin:
4ab hair does not have an easily identifiable curl (I know because thats my hair type). Once the hair gets to a certain length trying to get those curls to pop is a hassle.

Focus more on maximum moisturization.
when I was natural I used Qhemets Amla an Olive right after washing and it was wonderful.

Since summer is approaching. Try S-curl no drip, many have great success with it. Check the humidity where you live everyday. As long as it does not drop below 65% you will be fine.
Try layering some oyin burnt sugar pomade over knot today (that's what I use) or your creamy leave-in of choice. Then do a braid out or twist out. I get amazing definition and I'm 4b!
I have been using Lacio Lacio for my twist outs, and it gives me great definition, softness an sheen(no shine though)...
the only thing that makes my hair shine is some type of heavy grease,oil or butter(excluding shea) otherwise my hair has a sheen unless its being hit by flash:rolleyes:
I can't help with curl definition because I don't use products for that purpose, but the Jane Carter Solution Nourish & Shine gives great shine.
I have had good experience with Curls Blissful Lengths Oil Elixir. It looks like this:


It can be found at Target