problems with vitamins


New Member
I like to know is anyone experiencing some problems with their hair vitamins. I'm kind of embarassed to asked this question but I'm going to do it anyway. Okay. I've been on the vitamins for 2 months. My TOM has been here twice this month. I'm going thru a lot of stress right now but i really don't think it has anything to do with it. Has anyone experience some side affects with vitamins?
tonia, i had side effects with some of the hair vitamins too. i found they not only stimulate hair growth, but also skin, nail and internal hormonal growth. they make everything grow!!! maybe a good thing, maybe a bad thing.

my issue was i never experienced my cycle more than 3 days b4 the vitamins and never had cramps. after the vitamins, full 4-5 day cycles and cramps! it made me wonder if the vitamins (some of which are enzymes) have some steroidal effect. so i dropped them and only recently got back on msm (1 a day), but i am still cautious. so now i juice vegetables (green/red pepper, spinach, broccoli, cabbage, etc.) and i find that serves me much better.

i would definitely visit your gyn asap if you haven't already...
I have experienced this to within the last month. My gyn physician said that it was my pills and changed my prescription. When I was under a lot of stress it didn't show at all for 4 - 5 months, but I kept taking my vits. thinking that they should help regulate my body especially the EPO.
Hi Tonia,

It could be several things although I am not an expert and some of the other ladies that have been taking them for a long time could have an answer for you. I do know that some vitamins just sit in your stomach and are not properly digested in that case, you might do better with a liquid type vitamin. Also, some people do better with vitamins that are the real thing oppose to it being synthetic.
Hi Tonia,
I know some ladies have experienced changes in their cycles after taking biotin. My gynecologist told me that anything more than 21 days apart is normal, but having a period less than 21 days apart is cause for concern (in terms of menstruating twice in one month). I hope one of the many posts you have so far received may be of help to you. Good luck!