Problems While Stretching


New Member
Hi Ladies I was wondering if any of you have had this problem with stretching your relaxers. Well I'm on a stretch because I'm going to the VI in April and wanted to wait until then to get a touch-up. I usually stretch btw 10 and 11 weeks and now that I'm 12 weeks post I'm not having any real major problems but yesterday when I CW washed with Silicon I combed thru my hair I got a surprise in the comb a whole bunch of hair. I think I may have caught a knot or something but that was not normal for me. I really don't want to relax until April because of my trip and since my new growth isn't giving me any real problems. My shedding seems normal. I just don't want all my hard work to go down the drain literally :) so my questions to you guys are have any of you experienced this when stretching or have alot of hair come out when CW-ing?
I know I shed a lot while stretching. :ohwell: I would try doing a light protein treatment. If you are still shedding then I would suggest that you stop stretching. There is no point of stretching if your hair is going to break and you loose some of the length.
Unfortunatly I can't stretch pass 7 weeks :(
Was it a small section or were you combing your entire head as if styling? If the latter, you may just have to be much more gentle and patient with your hair when it's wet.
Thanks for your response MizaniMami I'm really trying not too relax but if it continues then the hell with it.

MissBiss I had combed thru two sections on the right side and when I started to comb thru the back section on the left side that's when I saw that small clump. :( you may be right in saying that I needed to be a bit more gentle now that I think about it. I am 12 weeks post not 2 so I may have been a bit rough.

Thanks ladies for your responses. :)
The size of the sections makes a lot of difference when detangling.
Good luck with your stretch and enjoy your trip to the VI. Bring us back some sea, sand, and sun.
This is my first time trying to go farther than 8 weeks, But usually I have to at 8 weeks because it will start to shed badley, But since I haave been natural I know how to make my newgrowth blend and to make it combable with the relaxed part and so far so good.

I have a Trailride coming up at the end of april and I am gonna try to stretch it until then or just give it a light press because then in May I have a big function to go to.
But good luck!
Thanks Miss Biss I will try smaller sections next time. I am not a big fan of combing but I have to do it from time to time. :) I will definately bring you guys something back from the VI.

Thanks for your response Nappy and good luck to you also.
My hair does this too. It usually cycles in and out of shedding phases. I'll get shedding one week and be fine for the next 4-5 weeks. Then the shedding starts again:lol: This happens whether I stretch my relaxer or not. I guess I am probably more aware of it several weeks post relaxer, though. But don't worry, the shedding is natural and won't last forever:)Breakage on the other hand, needs to be treated before you relax :D
The shedding thing drives me crazy. I have at least one cycle of "omg I'm going bald" shedding between every relaxer.....drives me up a wall.