Problem with Porosity Control...


New Member
I just made a blog post about this and just decided to cross-post it here. I need ya help ladies!!

I clarified this evening with Redken Cleansing Cream and my hair felt great. I looked down and saw a sample of Porosity Control (conditioner) that I bought a couple of months back and pondered using it. I have had problems with frizzy hair after a stylist I had tried out underprocessed my hair so I thought why not! *I should have listened to the small voice in the background :wallbash:*

I left it in for 30 seconds, rinsed it out and could suddenly feel that my hair was alot thicker. After I dried my hair and started combing, I noticed that almost the entire length of my relaxed hair minus my ends is wavy. So basically my whole head minus my ends looks underprocessed? WTH???
After I discovered this, I clarified again and slapped on AO Honeysuckle and GBP conditioner in a raging panic but it barely made a difference. I'm planning to just deep condition on dry hair all day tomorrow as I'd already planned.

And I'm supposed to get braids in 2 days! I have no clue what to do now :(

The good news is that my hair is not breaking anymore and it's my comb goes through it like butter. That hasn't happened in a LONG time. I definitely needed to clarify. --

Any suggestions on what I can do to my hair? I've searched so many posts about PC but I haven't found much except that my hair didn't react the way it was supposed to. *sigh* Thank God tomorrow is a holiday!
I'm trying to get my hair back to it's previous texture before I used PC. I'm relaxed so it was just straight, now it's wavy and frizzy from my roots to near the tip like it's underprocessed. I only left it in for 30 seconds as directed on the bottle. Thankfully, it's not dry and brittle because I used a heap of conditioner right after but the texture is completely different now.

Sorry if I was unclear and thanks for replying!
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I just made a blog post about this and just decided to cross-post it here. I need ya help ladies!!

I clarified this evening with Redken Cleansing Cream and my hair felt great. I looked down and saw a sample of Porosity Control (conditioner) that I bought a couple of months back and pondered using it. I have had problems with frizzy hair after a stylist I had tried out underprocessed my hair so I thought why not! *I should have listened to the small voice in the background :wallbash:*

I left it in for 30 seconds, rinsed it out and could suddenly feel that my hair was alot thicker. After I dried my hair and started combing, I noticed that almost the entire length of my relaxed hair minus my ends is wavy. So basically my whole head minus my ends looks underprocessed? WTH???
After I discovered this, I clarified again and slapped on AO Honeysuckle and GBP conditioner in a raging panic but it barely made a difference. I'm planning to just deep condition on dry hair all day tomorrow as I'd already planned.

And I'm supposed to get braids in 2 days! I have no clue what to do now :(

The good news is that my hair is not breaking anymore and it's my comb goes through it like butter. That hasn't happened in a LONG time. I definitely needed to clarify. --

Any suggestions on what I can do to my hair? I've searched so many posts about PC but I haven't found much except that my hair didn't react the way it was supposed to. *sigh* Thank God tomorrow is a holiday!

I'm confused also because of the bolded part. Your hair was already under-processed and you're surprised to see it after using PC?
I'm confused also because of the bolded part. Your hair was already under-processed and you're surprised to see it after using PC?

I had received corrective relaxers in the past but still had problems with it in a few areas *near my scalp (not near NG of course). I guess I thought the underprocessed hair everwhere else had been taken care of. I had no clue PC would do that to it. That was the issue, I didn't understand what was happening! I'm really new to Porosity Control but from reading around a bit, what I saw numerously was it was recommended for underprocessed hair. I was just hoping it would help the problem areas left. I guess I thought wrong or used it incorrectly. Someone already made a comment about it somewhere else though. It's definitely my fault for using a product I guess I didn't completely understand. I've never really had this sort of problem before! *sigh*

Why does it matter if it is wavy since you are getting braids? So many questions?

I guess I'm just not sure if I've damaged my hair or not. I don't want my hair to be vulnerable when I get braids as I'm keeping them in for at least 2 months. I probably should have just asked if the poofy, wavy hair is a normal reaction to PC or if it's in now in a vulnerable state in any way. My intial post is obviously confusing to everyone because I just didn't really understand what PC had done to my strands.

Thanks for all the replies.
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I could possible be misunderstanding your post like the other ladies, but what I got from it was that you thought that the PC caused your hair to revert? It is my understanding that PC helps with tangling issues due to raised cuticles by lowering the hair's pH. I'm a faithful PC user--every wash--and I had some seriously under-processed areas. I did get a corrector but advised the stylist to make sure that the hair is just straight enough to keep it from tangling and frizzing up; I didn't want to be over-processed. After the wash after that corrective relaxer and using PC, I could still see waves but that was still from the previously under-processed hair and my hair no longer tangled. I'm not sure if you're looking for bone straight hair or not, but that's what it sounds like. If so, you may run the risk of over-processing which could put your hair in worse shape. In your hair's current state, I think you will be fine with getting braids as long as your hair feels strong enough for them. Good luck!!
You should be using it due to your hair's inability to retain moisture, by your cuticle being lifted/raised resulting in dry & brittle (overly porous hair). Porosity Control and other Acidifying products helps close and flatten the cuticle thereby locking in the moisture that you have put into the hair through whatever product(s) you used prior to using the PC.:look:

I always DC with Heat and/or Steam. Therefore, I already know my hair/cuticle is lifted, raised, swollen. My goal after rising out my DC'er is to seal it in with the PC by applying it as a final rinse which restores my ph balance and seals/flattens/restores my hair shaft. :yep:

I don't think one 30 second application would do any significant damage to your hair. It is to lower and help correct your hair's ph balance.

What products did you proceed with after the use of the PC? Remember: It's not to 'correct' a poor application of a chemical service.:sad:

It is to help you with dry, brittle, raised cuticles which causes your moisture to escape from your hair.
I could possible be misunderstanding your post like the other ladies, but what I got from it was that you thought that the PC caused your hair to revert? It is my understanding that PC helps with tangling issues due to raised cuticles by lowering the hair's pH. I'm a faithful PC user--every wash--and I had some seriously under-processed areas. I did get a corrector but advised the stylist to make sure that the hair is just straight enough to keep it from tangling and frizzing up; I didn't want to be over-processed. After the wash after that corrective relaxer and using PC, I could still see waves but that was still from the previously under-processed hair and my hair no longer tangled. I'm not sure if you're looking for bone straight hair or not, but that's what it sounds like. If so, you may run the risk of over-processing which could put your hair in worse shape. In your hair's current state, I think you will be fine with getting braids as long as your hair feels strong enough for them. Good luck!!

Thanks for this post. It helped alot. To the bolded, I just wasn't sure what happened to my hair. I wasn't planning on getting anymore corrective relaxers but I was just hoping the PC would help the situation a bit. I definitely misunderstood what it does!

All I care is that my hair is healthy. If it isn't in a damaged state now then cool!

When did you get a relaxer? Sounds like your hair reverted from being wet/washed, not from using PC.

Oh no, it wasn't that. I got a relaxer 2 months ago. This is also the second time I've washed it in the past 2 weeks and it didn't look like that. I pretty much felt my hair poof up when I was rinsing the PC out in the shower.

You should be using it due to your hair's inability to retain moisture, by your cuticle being lifted/raised resulting in dry & brittle (overly porous hair). Porosity Control and other Acidifying products helps close and flatten the cuticle thereby locking in the moisture that you have put into the hair through whatever product(s) you used prior to using the PC.

I always DC with Heat and/or Steam. Therefore, I already know my hair/cuticle is lifted, raised, swollen. My goal after rising out my DC'er is to seal it in with the PC by applying it as a final rinse which restores my ph balance and seals/flattens/restores my hair shaft.

What products did you proceed with after the use of the PC? Remember: It's not to 'correct' a poor application of a chemical service.

I don't think one 30 second application would do any significant damage to your hair. It is to lower and help correct your hair's ph balance.

Massive thanks for this post. I used Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose and GBP after it for a few minutes then washed it out. LMAO I definitely needed to get schooled on this product. I was looking for an easy fix for my underprocessed hair and I was just seeing what I wanted to see when I was doing some quick research about the product. Lesson learned.
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