Problem w/Nape area, Need advice


Well-Known Member
The nape of my neck has been problematic as long as I can remember. When I was a child, I had severe itching in that area that got so bad, I ended up scratching away my hair almost halfway up my head. I didn't have dandruff or any other disorder that I know of, although I had a troubled childhood, so stress may have been a factor. A old time pharmacist then recommended cod liver pills, which worked like a charm for the itching.

But after that my nape never grew any substantial length. The hairs break off short. Even when my hair was natural, (although I wasn't natural for very long)that area still broke off short. I still have occasional itching but no where near as bad as it used to be. I'm not sure what do about it except stop relaxing that area alltogether for a few months. Could this be over processing? I use super, but my hair is so resistant and coarse, using a regular is like using mild for me. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Here is some information that I have in my notes (HTH):
For nape of the neck breakage:
-In a small spray bottle add few drops of glycerin, add some distilled water and shakevigorously. Apply before you go to bed.
Someone else posted a topic to this that was similar yesterday. I also had trouble with my hair breaking off and growing back there. My hairdresser recommended that I use some Sulfur8 on the problem area weekly. If you want to try that, you can purchase it at sally's for only a few bucks. My hair has grown back in nicely. It's fuller and thicker. Last year, it was only an inch long (maybe even less than that), now it is about 4 four inches long. I stopped using the Sulfur 8 when it started growing back in . I started the vitamin and washing regimen, and that seems to do the trick now. WARNING....this stuff has a strong smell!! It really does work though!
Hi erica,
was once a week enough? If so then I could do this on Friday after work so the smell would only affect me. I used it before but did not stick with it long enough to see results.
Yes, I think that once a week is enough. A few times I used it twice a week. The one to four times a day that they recommend was a little too much for me. Can you imagine having that smell 4 times a day?!
Since the grease is so thick it lasts a long time.
BTW Deb, I was also using olive oil back there along with the Sulfur8. I don't know if it was a combination of the two or not. I just thought that I should mention it.
Digital Rain if you are realxed the problem in your nape could be due to improper neutralizing of that area or inadvertant re-introdcution of chemicals to the area after neutralizing.

To be safe, I do the followiing:

1. Make sure your stylist competely rinses and neutralizes the relaxer from the nape of your neck and behind your ears. It's easy to miss because it's harder to see.

2. When she's through neutralizing request a new towel. Sometimes when they relax you they can get relaxer on the towel and if it touches that area it can wipe some realxer cream back into that area causing overprocessing and breakage.

3. Make sure they relax that are last, if possible. Just request that your stylist save that area for last.

4. In case all else fails I routinely wash my hair the day after I relax with a neturalizer, jsut to be sure all the chemical has been neutralized.

I also find for general dryness that Sta Sof Fro has completely corrected any problems I have on that level in my nape.
Hello Tracy,

I haven't been to the hairdresser in years. My mom applies my relaxer BUT she does start with the nape first because that's where my hair is the most resistant. That's why I was wondering if its overprocessed. I rinse in the sink and I use the little sprayer thingy which usually get all the relaxer out.

I think I will take your advice and leave my nape for last even it it means having to deal with buckshots
I will use the sulfur 8, which I already have. Thanks ladies!! Any other advice is still welcome.
Don't have any advice to add to the excellent advice already given. Just a suggestion: if you're wearing turtlenecks, you might want to give them a rest...and create a barrier with a silk scarf between your nape hair and any wool/cotton coat collars.
Any progress DigitalRain with your nape area?

Mine is like this too although there was one year in my life where my relaxed nape area grew about 8 inches so I know it can grow. My nape has stayed the same length for the past seven months and I've been babying it. As I mentioned on another thread, I have "tails" near it that's growing fast and the rest of my hair is growing nicely.

I had that problem for years, until I started using Castor Oil. I got the advice from the board and went to Walgreens and got the one in the dark brown bottle. You can find it where the laxatives are. It cost about $2 and has no smell whatsoever. Since that time my hair has gone from non-existent, to 2 inches to its current length of about 10 inches. I don't know the cause for the itches other than my nerves and extreme dryness which the Castor oil helped. My 16 year old daughters hair does the same thing in the nape and in the very top of her head. She has fuzz in the top and the nape, that's how short it is.
ElizaBlue, As I mentioned, my nape was 8 inches in the past but is now about 3 inches and hAS stayed that length for 7 months now.
How long did it take for you to get 10 inches in your nape area using Castor Oil? Did you put it on your scalp or hair (or both)?
Tracy, thanks for the eye opener on neturalizing What kind do you use? I have the same problems in the nape as well as on the sides I will make sure I use it after my next relaxer

That took about a year and a couple of months. I put the Castor Oil directly on my scalp. I really didn't have enough for a bun, so I used to pin my hair up instead. Now I have more than enough for a bun, but because it is so long, if I put it up wet, as it dries the bun gets tighter and on one side I've noticed the slightest bit of thinning. So I'm giving the bun a rest for just a bit and am going to wear the high bun dry instead.
Thanks ElizaBlue. I'm going to do that too, just with my nape area. The rest of my hair is growing steadily along. I'm also wondering if my nape hairs are rubbing against something too, as another poster mentioned with her turtlenecks. There must be a reason why just this area is breaking.
Well, I just found out why my nape hairs are breaking.
I always tie my satin scarves on very tight in the back, at the nape. Usually two scarves. That tension must be what's breaking off the hairs there. In the past, when my nape hairs were growing long, I didn't wear scarves to bed, just a satin cap. Now, I'll have to tie the scarves in a different spot or spots.
My nape is slowly getting better! I've managed to stop the continuing breakage so it slowly growing. I may check out the castor oil too! Hopefully by the end of this year I will have a nice length back there.
i didnt have breakage back there but it definitely seemed to take my nape forever to grow out when i started my hair journey. finally just after my last touchup does all my hair go into an updo without any strays being left behind in the nape area. dont worry it will all catch up eventually
-- jainygirl
And the good thing about getting length there, at least for me, is that even a few inches really looks long since it's starting from the nape of the neck!