Problem Acessing The Site On My Ipad Since The Update

I've received this error several times today. It occurs each time after I do search and try to go back to home and sometimes after I've accessed a thread and attempt to go back. I've never received this message before today.
This page can’t be displayed
Turn on TLS 1.0, TLS 1.1, and TLS 1.2 in Advanced settings and try connecting to again. If this error persists, contact your site administrator.

BTW - I have not changed my settings and TLS settings mentioned are on.
i can reach the site with my phone and laptop ..but not my iPad...what is going on?

i can access every app and all of my favorites from my iPad. i also got connection error
on the laptop last nite too.
S- is SSL socket which is a layer of encrypted protection - but even still no guarantee any site is secure against hacking.

ETA: Encrypted protection is the security between server (site) and user browser. Increased vulnerability without the "s"

Thanks @ilong for clarifying for me.
I've been having problems accessing the site on my phone and tablet. Even when I type "http", I still had problems. I'm on my Mac using Firefox now and was able to log in.
I'm still having trouble across all my devices. Even when I remove the 's' I can't click on certain topics.
I thought the site was down until i received a message. so what URL should we be using on the phone. http or https