pro trim result pics enclosed

OK, you guys. This thread just made me cut an inch off of my hair. :eek:

It's still not even, though. But I already miss the inch I'm putting my shears away to meditate. I'm only slightly bummed; It's no fun growing out uneven hair. Glad to be inching closer to a blunt cut. (goodbye, brastrap for fall :(... but welcome healthier ends :wave: :p)
goodness synthia this wasnt meant to be a peer pressure thread STEP AWAY FROM THE SHEARS LOL
you may still reach brastrap maybe you can add something new to your current plan like nightly massages
You see that little tail in my siggy ...I've talked about cutting that on several occasions. I had said I'd wait til July, and then my hair anniversary in October.

So, this wasn't out of the blue :p. But your success was persuasive.

It's funny how a little tail can do so much :lol:.

Anyway, it's all good ...just hope I have some growth to celebrate by my anniversary Oct. 25th :lol:
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MizaniMami said:
Wow, it looks like she did takeoff a lot. But gosh darnit it looks so thick and healthy! I love it and you are so pretty. I am glad you got the results you wanted :)

I agree. It looks really good--I love the hair style. Don't even worry about what she cut off, you're a very pretty girl so you'll look good anyway.
Your new style suits you very well...
But I will follow your advice and STEP AWAY FROM THE SHEARS LOL !
I just got an aggresive trim too even t hough I did not ask for it. I can't complain because I got it cut in layers in the back and falls so pretty.

Yours looks so good.
honeycomb719 said:
The cut looks great. I have that same problem with the mid section always shorter than the rest in the back:look:
I have that same problem!!

MsPortugal.....your hair looks great!
thanks guys i dont know what it is about that midsection maybe because we sleep on that spot and it causes extra stress to that area, i'm not sure but i'm gonna start massaging that area if no other spot, might have to spring $9 for some monistat
the more i look at these pics the more irritated i get i feel like i keep starting over i printed my wanakee info in 1999 when i 1st got started and this is all the hair i have????