PRO trim fears


today i hoped to aphogee/dpr11/porosity contral then blowdry and flatiron. next i wanted to proceed to a salon and get a .25-.5in trim the parts of my hair that are text are split and mid shaft split and i feel there is no saving them. so since i'm transitioning i dont mind slowly letting them go rather than have the inch their way up to my healthy natural hair. but i dont know bout all of this. i think i'm too conservative when i trim and that i really dont get all of the spots equally but then i dont want to go some where and have them go to far. i hadnt planned on going to a "black" salon just somewhere where like supercuts that i could get in and out but then i have a fear of letting other people (not black) trimming my hair. worst case scenario i get a cut and the severely damaged parts are gone in an instant. yall send me some prayers or at least good vibes if you think a prayer is too extreme. but a sista is trying to grow out her hair for her wedding and is trying to enforce the no weave rule
I actually only let a white lady trim my ends. I mean, she cuts hair all day and I would assume that she really knows what she is doing. Before the first time I sat in the chair, I watched her give someone a haircut and she used the scissors and peered at her client’s hair very closely as she meticulously snipped tiny lengths at a time until his haircut was even (I would recommend someone like this who isn’t used to giving women elaborate hair cuts). She treats my hair the same, carefully snipping at the bad ends layer by layer.

Just be careful with your language. I told her my hair is fragile, I don’t want layers, and that I didn’t want to lose any length (she should just snip off the bad ends). I wouldn’t say that I wanted a “trim”, and be careful because they sometimes tend to think that you want it even across the back but I told her I didn’t want to lose my U shape. Also, I would go in with my hair straight and detangled, with no oils or anything. Good luck!

Oh and never be afraid to ask to see a mirror so you can watch instead of leaving with a surprise!
ok all is well i will post pics i tested her out when i sat down i said i need my ends trimmed. so she put the paper around my neck threw on the cape and combed my hair. it wasnt a wide tooth comb but i survived due to my flatiron. then she inspected my hair and said how much do you want trimmed and i said how much do i need and her response was "well it starts to get thin around here" and showed me. it was cool made sense and i know that my splits go up so i told her to go ahead she was doing her thing and it took maybe 15min if that for her to finish i went home and reflatironed and added some product because i did a dry flatiron with no product i didnt want any grease on my head when i went.