Pride vs Faith


Well-Known Member
How do you know you are in pride vs standing your ground and keeping true to yourself?

Person A likes certain types of guys but they don't like her or a certain career path although people with her personality don't go into those careers
She has been told countless times to give it up and mocked which made her even more adamant

Years later she has not seen God move in those areas but she still desires them
Her friends says she is prideful because she is not willing to consider something else

Is that faith or pride?
When do you need to use worldly wisdom and give up youthful dreams
It's hard to tell whether or not it's faith or in what? And what is she prideful about? What is her youthful dream? Is it to meet a guy she likes in her current career path? I was somewhat confused by your scenario.
Why does she like a certain kind of guy? What's her reasoning?

For the career path,is it her passion? why does she want that career in particular?

I'm just trying to get a better sense of what's going on before answering.
Faith is God-centered.
Pride is self-centered.

But like the ladies above, I need more before I can give an answer on the actual scenario.
Thanks for the replies

The guy type ....Has been something she has always been attracted to since childhood
It involves physical and character

She has relaxed some of the physical since people have said that was unrealistic for her and also some of the characteristics

Character.... She wanted someone she was equally yoked with similar mind set and lives but she has been a christian all her life

Physical.... she has a preference but has been told at her age now she is not using wisdom so she is standing in faith which some call foolish at this point

Always wanted to do a certain career because of the individuality it promotes
Was told by others she did not have the personality for the job and mocked at
She became adamant that she wants that career but it seems that due to her situation and age that it might not be the best path to go but she still have the idea and desire for that career even if it is part time

I understand her plight, I got my own issues
She has been standing in faith a long time but she has gotten discouraged by what other people have said over the years

another friend just think she is unrealistic and prideful and
Should use wisdom and be open to what God says

For example for her mate since she is an older big girl my friend told her she probably can't get the guy she want... no kids, no STDs, smart,.....
she should be open because God might not can bring that

But is this a limitation on God or just being realistic?

For the career, her advice was go stop dreaming and focus on her right now career

I personally don't know what to say because they both have points

Another friend of mine did not get her mate until she accepted the guys that naturally come after her was her only choice and she focused on a easier career than a much harder one that could have been financially rewarding that she had been dreaming of for a long time

I can't tell if it is high self esteem, faith, or pride
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Adel10 your friend needs to pray

The thing I noticed from your first post is that it seems that she's way too consumed by what people say. It's difficult, but we often have to quiet outside voices and seek God when we're unsure. People are trying to define her, they are placing limits on her based on their own paradigms.

I think the best thing she can do is get honest before God by telling Him exactly what's on her heart in terms of career and love and ask for His wisdom and guidance. If I were her for now I would stop talking to ppl and start talking to God until she gets clarity on what she needs to do.
I'm just going to tackle the guy part for now ...

The truth be told is that God does not always answer our prayers in packages that we expect. This includes in a physical package (e.g., tall, dark, not bald, athletic, and a number 10 when it comes to looks). When I think about the book of Ruth, Boaz was not taken by Ruth's beauty and Ruth was taken by Boaz's handsomeness. Boaz was drawn to Ruth's spirit and Ruth to Boaz's. This is not to say that your friend should discard her physical preference. This is to say that she should not allow her physical preference to override her spiritual standards in a mate. If the Lord should present her with a Christlike mate who doesn't meet 50% of her physical preference, will she turn him away? God created man in His image, yes? Will we turn away His "image" because the man does not fit our "physical" box?

That being said, I cannot say for certain from where your friend is operating when it comes to men (i.e., faith or pride), but given what you've shared I challenge her to ponder the above. I co-sign in that she should pray and be open to hearing from God. As James 1 states, the Lord will grant us wisdom ... so long as we are open and not double-minded.