Price of Indian Products


Well-Known Member
Those of us who are addicted to Indian powders and oils from our local Indian stores may want to stock up. I was reading an Ayurevedic thread and a poster speculated that the price of Indian products might increase. I found that it has in my local store. I buy all my products from the store. I do not shop online for those products. Interestingly enough, the same Hesh Shikakai powder that I bought for $1.99 a month ago is now $2.99 a 50% price increase. Amla is now $1.99 rather than $1.49. Vatika Oil and Amla oil also increased in price. I asked the proprietor about the price increase and he hedged. This is pure speculation on my part, but I believe that the prices will increase because I don't think that many Indian women in the United States keep up the old ways. I think they use American products especially the young ones. What do you think? Have any of you noticed price increases?
I'm just now getting hip to the Indian hair products game so I haven't noticed. But I'm loving what these darn oils: Vatika oil and Amla oil are doing for my hair! A sista's hair be lookin nicccccccceeee!:grin:
I have noticed too! and this isnt good! I loved the cheap prices, the products have gotten so much attention now. I really dont wanna spend a ton of cash.
Yes, I have noticed a price increase in the powders (Amla, Shikaikai, etc.) going from $1.99 to $2.29. All the other stuff is the same.
bumping. I am really interested in your opinions. Do you think Indian women use these products or are we creating a new market for them in the US????
bumping. I am really interested in your opinions. Do you think Indian women use these products or are we creating a new market for them in the US????

I don't think any of my Indian friends use these oils and powders anymore. The first time I went to the Indian grocer I went with my Indian friend. She told me amla oil was good and her grandma used it in her hair when she was younger, but it smelled bad. Now that she's older she uses products from the drug store.
I commute between bronx and brooklyn regularly and i'd like to know if anyone can suggest where i might find these products, pretty pleaseeeeeeeee:blush:
I'm not noticing the price raise here in Texas. Amla, Shikakai, Neem, Tulsi,Brahmi and Rose Petal Powder are all about 1.29 for the Hesh Box..I buy it in the smaller shops that sell all types of Indian Products. The most I saw it for was 1.89 at a large Indian Supermarket-and I did an about face. What I did find there in that supermarket was Bhringraj oil ( certified Ayurvedic) (10.00 for 8oz and Mahabringaraj oil (4oz for 3.99) For the life of me I feel I got a bargain cause the price of Bhringraj powder on FNWL is crazy!!!
I'm not noticing the price raise here in Texas. Amla, Shikakai, Neem, Tulsi,Brahmi and Rose Petal Powder are all about 1.29 for the Hesh Box..I buy it in the smaller shops that sell all types of Indian Products. The most I saw it for was 1.89 at a large Indian Supermarket-and I did an about face. What I did find there in that supermarket was Bhringraj oil ( certified Ayurvedic) (10.00 for 8oz and Mahabringaraj oil (4oz for 3.99) For the life of me I feel I got a bargain cause the price of Bhringraj powder on FNWL is crazy!!!

Hey! Where are the Indian Markets you go to? I went to one in flowermound and it took me a while to get there. I'm in Keller. I sent you a pm too.
I am more inclined to think that it may have to do with absorbing some of the cost to obtain the product due to the current issues in that area of the world.

Just last week there were some Pakastan vs India issues. It seems to have quieted down but I know most of those people have to have orders shipped so maybe they are having to pay more to get it here and have to raise the price a little..I dont think its anything malicious though.
Does anyone live in NJ or NY that uses these products and can help me to find them too.


I'm from brooklyn but i go to Patel brothers on Liberty Avenue and 125th Street in South Ozone park, Queens. Its the same liberty ave that goes thru brooklyn. If you take the belt just get off at lefferts ave exit # 19 and take lefferts straight and make a right on Liberty ave. I get my amla oil for 2.99 my shikakai bars for 99 cents and powders are still 1.99. Good luck.
bumping. I am really interested in your opinions. Do you think Indian women use these products or are we creating a new market for them in the US????

Good question because everytime I go to the Indian market, I notice there is a lot of dust accumulating on the hair products. I always try to find the products with the least amount of dust and check expiration dates if available. :ohwell:
Good question because everytime I go to the Indian market, I notice there is a lot of dust accumulating on the hair products. I always try to find the products with the least amount of dust and check expiration dates if available. :ohwell:

I am very curious about this. I really enjoy these products. I am a real henna lover and an early devotee of shikakai and amla. I would really like to hear from other members - do you think Indian women use these products in the US or are we creating a new market for them?
I am very curious about this. I really enjoy these products. I am a real henna lover and an early devotee of shikakai and amla. I would really like to hear from other members - do you think Indian women use these products in the US or are we creating a new market for them?

not sure about all indian women :lol:

but, the only thing my gf vineeta uses is coconut oil :)
I haven't noticed a price increase at all. The first bottle of amla oil I bought from a local indian woman here, I paid $20 for that bottle.
I haven't noticed a price increase at all. The first bottle of amla oil I bought from a local indian woman here, I paid $20 for that bottle.

D, I know you live in the south. I bought a bottle of Dabur Amla oil in Memphis,TN for $5.99. Maybe you use another brand and I don't know how far Memphis is from where you are. $20 sounds like a lot if it was Dabur.
D, I know you live in the south. I bought a bottle of Dabur Amla oil in Memphis,TN for $5.99. Maybe you use another brand and I don't know how far Memphis is from where you are. $20 sounds like a lot if it was Dabur.

I meet this lady in the grocery store and asked her about the amla. Then her and her mother started talking in their language. She said she had some and more sell it to me for $20. I agreed since I really wanted to try it. And though it was expensive, that was the best investment I made for my hair. I know where to find it now and would never paid that much for it again.
Hey dlewis, now that was wrong!!!!! I know I got a large bottle of dabur amla for 5.99 too last week.....That makes me mad when people take advantage of people!!! I am glad you found another source for your amla oil!
Hey dlewis, now that was wrong!!!!! I know I got a large bottle of dabur amla for 5.99 too last week.....That makes me mad when people take advantage of people!!! I am glad you found another source for your amla oil!

For real! Twenty bucks??!! People are so sheisty.
For the poster in Brooklyn who's interested in indian products. In the Midwood section of Brooklyn, there's a strip of Pakistani stores that all sell the ayurvedic products. It's on Coney Island Ave between Foster and Cortelyou Road.
Does anyone know of any stores that sell ayurvedic poweders/oils in Manhattan...I guess I don't mind travelling to Brooklyn if the prices are cheaper but I'd like to know my alternatives...Thanks
Does anyone know of any stores that sell ayurvedic poweders/oils in Manhattan...I guess I don't mind travelling to Brooklyn if the prices are cheaper but I'd like to know my alternatives...Thanks

There's an area on the east side that has a bunch of indian stores. It's around 28th or 29th between Park and Lex.