Previous Naturals who have texlaxed/relaxed


Well-Known Member
Hello Ladies, I was wondering if any of you who were natural at one time decided to texlax or relax. I wanted to know your reasons for doing it and how it turned out. I just recently started thinking that maybe texlaxing would be a good option for me being that I have such severe heat damage in the front (By heat damage I mean it is straight it seems to be very healthy) I figured that this will be a good way to obtain a more consistent texture throughout my head. Thanks in advance
I recently texlaxed my hair in March. It came out decently and I get less knots and definitely less shrinkage.
I have true 4b hair so my hair came out kinda like a big frizz ball instead of loose curls. Luckily I had researched for awhile and was prepared for this.
I have some pics in my fotki

Do lots and lots of research and ask questions esp about relaxers b/c they will all give you different results. I used silk elements lye mild.

HTHs and think about it dearly b/c texlaxing or texturizing can be such a crapshoot
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Wow your hair looks great both ways, However I can see why you wanted to texlax/relax. I experience the same things that you do which are some of my reasons for wanting to texlax. Texlaxing did not take away your texture, from my point of view it made it easier to handle. I need a better handle on my hair and I also want to blend these straight (heat damaged) hairs in. I do not under any circumstances want bone straight hair...unless of course I want to straighten it. Well I do appreciate your help and I will do my research before coming to a final decision...Thanks again!!
I texlaxed last month with the intention on going bone straight but the Phyto index I was not strong enough to take away my curls, so I ended up with looser curls and less shrinkage.

I like it a lot and I am debating on whether I will go completely straight, continue to texlax, or stop with chemicals.

My intent was to go straight simply for a change, I am on year7 of natural hair and just wanted to change up my look.
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You guys are pulling me to the other side. I vowed to be natural and stay natural but......I don't know the texlaxing thing is looking good. I waiting for some diehard naturals to come in here in say Don't Do IT!!!!!! My mom has been trying to get me to relax ever since I went natural....she says "when are you gonna do something with that birds nest on your head, you know thats how people get lice".........and I continue to say as nice as possible......."what the hell are you talking about???!!!!!"
I was a die hard natural! I thought when I cut my hair 7 years ago I WOULD NEVER EVER RELAX AGAIN. I would have signed that on paper with my own blood. Ive come to accept my natural hair texture, love it, and know its beautiful. I can look at both relaxed and naturals and see the beauty in our hair types. I do think that every Black woman should give her natural hair texture a chance, that is a firm belief of mine. Our hair is tied and wrapped in a myriad of sociopolitlcal issues, but after a while it simply becomes just hair, and just a style..especially after you have detoxed and gotten over the skewed beauty standards we are fed.
OnAHairQuest said:
I do think that every Black woman should give her natural hair texture a chance, that is a firm belief of mine. Our hair is tied and wrapped in a myriad of sociopolitlcal issues, but after a while it simply becomes just hair, and just a style..especially after you have detoxed and gotten over the skewed beauty standards we are fed.

ITA w/ this. I don't have a problem with naturals being happy to be nappy, but for some of the folks who've done the "detox" (I like the way you put that), our choices regarding styling are more a matter of convenience and preference than self-hate and brainwashing.
Divine Inspiration said:
ITA w/ this. I don't have a problem with naturals being happy to be nappy, but for some of the folks who've done the "detox" (I like the way you put that), our choices regarding styling are more a matter of convenience and preference than self-hate and brainwashing.

I was natural for a few years and decided to texlax in January.

All I can say is I wish I had done it earlier.

For me, being texlaxed is more convenient and gives me options. My hair is 4b and it curled up so tightly. I didn't know how to style my natural hair all that well either. Being natural made it harder to style my hair when I had an impromptu visit from a 'friend'. I also got tired of the pressing comb and being afraid to get my pressed hair wet or exposed to water/steam.
OnAHairQuest said:
I was a die hard natural! I thought when I cut my hair 7 years ago I WOULD NEVER EVER RELAX AGAIN. I would have signed that on paper with my own blood. Ive come to accept my natural hair texture, love it, and know its beautiful. I can look at both relaxed and naturals and see the beauty in our hair types. I do think that every Black woman should give her natural hair texture a chance, that is a firm belief of mine. Our hair is tied and wrapped in a myriad of sociopolitlcal issues, but after a while it simply becomes just hair, and just a style..especially after you have detoxed and gotten over the skewed beauty standards we are fed.

ITA w/everything stated above :yep: The only difference w/my case was that I was natural for 4 yrs. I relaxed in '05; Very happy w/my decision. I've learned so much a/b hair and my connection w/it over the years.
Divine Inspiration said:
ITA w/ this. I don't have a problem with naturals being happy to be nappy, but for some of the folks who've done the "detox" (I like the way you put that), our choices regarding styling are more a matter of convenience and preference than self-hate and brainwashing.

Exactly. ITA w/this also.
I was natural 3 years, then relaxed 1 year, then natural for another year, and now relaxed again.

I just did what was good for me. I made a list of all my personal pros and cons. There was no self hate to it. Just chang in style. I would say think about it and think about it hard. It's your hair and what you do to it , you have to live with it no one else.
You ladies have really blessed me with so much knowledge and insight....I really do appreciate all the responses I have recieved and I feel I can now make an informed decision. I would still like to here from others..but from what has already been said I know what I need to do...and that is not to say the decision as been made, but now I know I have to figure out what is ultimately best for Niya (JuicesN'Berries). I will right down the pro's and cons and not base my decisions on what other naturals might say about my choice, or feel that I have embraced a false image. Its all about what makes me comfortable..Thank you so much ladies!!!!!
I was natural for about 8 months and I did not know how to deal with my short natural hair so I texlaxed for about 2 years and now I am transitioning back to natural. I texlaxed to make things easier for me and I probably would have stayed that way but my hair simply does not respond well to chemicals no matter what the strength (Believe me I've tried them all) and I have accepted that. Plus I love the the thickness and strength that my natural hair has. One thing about our hair is if one thing doesnt work we can always go back to the other. Even though I knew my hair would fair better being natural I just had to see if texlaing would work for me and there is nothing wrong with that. Good Luck
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I decided to relax again after another year being natural. I wanted to give my hair a break because it seemed to take the move across country pretty badly. Over that time I feel I got to know my hair better and appreciate it more as well. Yesterday I went to the salon and got a relaxer and I LOVE it. I typically wore it straight when natural as well so it took forever for me to blowdry and press it. I feel alot better....and cooler since its getting pretty hot here and I have thick hair either way.

Good luck to you which ever you decide!
About a year ago i was natural, it was about 3 years worth of growth. My texture is very close to yours. I found myself tempted to put a texlax in my hair, i loved my hair just found myself getting a little bored with it. So i ended up putting one in and boy was i:mad: disappointed. I have 3c hair and all i wanted it to do was losen up my coils. What happend was it completely straighten my hair instead , so yo gotta be careful. With certain hair types you never know, cuz if your hair is somewhat soft it mite do more than what u want it to.

So a month later i completely shave my head bald to the grain just like MJ. I was upset with myself for doing (texlax)and wanted my texture back. That was a year ago im not @ my length i had before but i am happy:) to have my texture back. Thats my story so maybe u can draw a conclusion from that.
I went natural in 2003 and for a long time thought I would never go back to relaxing. But then I started thinking aoubt relaxing again. but I thught about it for several months before I decide to relax. I do it myself and my hair has never been this healthy with a relaxer. I went back to the relaxer because I wanted straighter and longer hair. I tried flat ironing and got damaged sections that ultimately went back to curly except for some strands. I can't tolerate flat ironing when I know I want my ahir straighht ALL the time. The thing about me is once I start thinking about something like this I KNOW am going to do it sooner or later because I will always feel like I am missing something if I don't try it. so the best thing for me was to research as much as possible and using that to choose the right methods and products. so whatever you choose, just start off with lots of research on this board using the search feature. and the MOST important thing is to do a strand test before relaxing. That strand test will save yu so much heartache.
natural since 03...had a relaxer for 2 years and then I bc'd. my relaxed hair was aiight but I was never wearing my hair straight nor did I go to salons, so I didnt see the point in wasting money and retouching.
yes i have had the itch for the longest time now and will be texlaxing by next month. I will definitely do a strand test and update soon
JuicesN'Berries said:
You ladies have really blessed me with so much knowledge and insight....I really do appreciate all the responses I have recieved and I feel I can now make an informed decision. I would still like to here from others..but from what has already been said I know what I need to do...and that is not to say the decision as been made, but now I know I have to figure out what is ultimately best for Niya (JuicesN'Berries). I will right down the pro's and cons and not base my decisions on what other naturals might say about my choice, or feel that I have embraced a false image. Its all about what makes me comfortable..Thank you so much ladies!!!!!

I feel the same way. I have pretty much decided to texlax so I am doing as much research as I can before I take the plunge in July.
I've been natural for 7 yrs, if not going on my 7th year later this year. I feel I've done everything under the sun to both destroy my hair :lol: and nurture my hair :angel: . I've realized what's best for my hair and have accepted that I cannot do what others may be able to do to their hair. I understand the texture, the density, how fragile it may be, and that direct heat is my ultimate enemy :p and that chemicals may not help my cottony texture as much as I would like it to. Also, personality-wise, I'm very conservative with my hair and comfortable with what works and it's hard for me to do something outside of my box unless I'm pushed by friends and family. I've been talking about getting a weave for years and finally took a baby step and got myself a half wig, and wore that for a few months :D. Other people have such a personality whereas they can dye their hair one week, and cut it all off the next and not regret it one bit. I'm very comfortable with my hair so what may work for someone else doesn't phase me to want to try it.

In your personal hair journey, you'll be discovering all of these things for yourself and then, ultimately, you can make the best decitions for your hair. Good luck, and keep us updated on how it works out for you if you choose to try this!
I have been struggling back and forth for 7 yrs. Go natural/ relax. I did this 7Xs because I felt that I could better care for my hair relaxed. I couldn't, so now I'm transitioning.