Preventing Shrinkage in Two-Strand Twists?


Well-Known Member
I have been conducting searches since last night to find the answer to this but I can't seem to find it. Sorry if this has been posted (which I'm sure it has since so many women wear twists), but I have tried looking and can't find it.
I want to adopt a new low-manipulation regimen of wearing two-strand twists Sun - Wed and then the resulting twist-out Thurs-Sat this month. I plan to do my twists on dry, stretched hair.
My question is: how do you ladies prevent your twists from shrinking as the days go on? For instance, what can I do at night so they aren't all shrunk up by the next morning like they do when I put my bonnet over them? I have seen someone wrap their twists like a doobie but I don't think my hair is long enough to do that yet. Is there any other way to keep twists stretched? I don't really want to wet them everyday either since it's cold outside.
TIA ladies!

I really like wearing twists and totally understand. I have done several things to keep mine stretched including setting on rollers, braiding at night, and putting my hair in ponytail before bed.
OP, you really dislike shrunken twists? I absolutely love 'em. I actually deliberately wet my twists after doing them on dry stretched hair just so I can get shrinkage in addition to making the look nicer.

The only way I have been able to achieve stretched twists--even though I really was looking more for the look not length--was when I braided them for a "braid-out on twists". Granted, they still were wavy so didn't hang as they might done straight, but they don't curl up as short as they do when I don't braid and just allow natural shrinkage. I baggy as well so the moisture does keep them short even with braiding, but I imagine if you didn't baggy, then they'd hang in a way you'd be happy with.
Nonie: I actually love shrinkage for the most part, but I don't like it as much on the very front of my hair, which grows really, really slow. And since I have a big forehead, I want these to hang sort of more like a bang. I love the little curls and bounciness I get with shrinkage, and if maybe that hair grew at the same rate as the rest of my hair, I wouldn't mind, but at its current length, it's not the look I'm going for, you know? This would actually be my first time wearing my twists out instead of under a wig so I just want to be as comfortable with them as possible. I don't need them to be bone straight, I just don't want the ones in the front looking like tic tacs after a few days if I can help it!
Nonie: I actually love shrinkage for the most part, but I don't like it as much on the very front of my hair, which grows really, really slow. And since I have a big forehead, I want these to hang sort of more like a bang. I love the little curls and bounciness I get with shrinkage, and if maybe that hair grew at the same rate as the rest of my hair, I wouldn't mind, but at its current length, it's not the look I'm going for, you know? This would actually be my first time wearing my twists out instead of under a wig so I just want to be as comfortable with them as possible. I don't need them to be bone straight, I just don't want the ones in the front looking like tic tacs after a few days if I can help it!

davisbr88 may I recommend wearing a big roller in the front while they are wet and let them dry in the roller? If it's big, they won't curl around and form loops like they did in this do of mine, but the curlers will stretch them in a curvy way that could create cute fringe/bangs that look like this:

Or that could be side swept like this: