preventing rough ends


Well-Known Member
Lately whenever I do my hair in certain styles I get rough ends. Particularly my bantu knot out. So Ladies what do u do to make sure ur ends come out smooth? I did trim a couple weeks ago so idk if that is the problem
My Bantu knots are always smooth. U have to make sure after u m&s you tuck them under smoothly or else they will dry/set un-smooth.
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My Bantu knots are always smooth. U have to make sure after u m&s you tuck them under smoothly or else they will dry/set un-smooth.

I agree with this advice. I have never done a bantu set, but I do rollerset, and it's key to have the setting lotion on the ends as well and smooth it on the roller so it will come out smooth. Afterwards and at bedtime, I normally moisturize and seal and go to sleep with a few rollers on the ends to lock in that smoothness. This works to keep my ends nice and smooth for one week (the next wash day).