Preventing Limp/Lifeless Newly Relaxed Hair


New Member
In the past, everytime I've relaxed my new growth, my hair would come out super lifeless and flat. I would have to tease my hair to get more body, which obviously harms the hair cuticle.

What can I do to prevent this?
Great question...I just did a post about the same hair just looks dead right about now.

Maybe try a semi-texlax? (for future use)

I just had my hair done using a different relaxer (Phyto 1) and I had body and everything! It is not texlax and not relax bone straight either.
  • change to a mild relaxer or use another brand
  • don't relax bone straight
  • use a little product before roller setting so hair won't be weighed down and curls will be bouncy
Doing a rinse with Porosity Control conditioner after neutralizing followed by the Porosity Control Shampoo works for me. You can skip the shampoo part, but I find that the two work well together. But even with the conditioner rinse alone I can tell.
I airdry my hair right after relaxers and use the smaller caruso rollers for more body.

Also try relaxing with a lesser strength relaxer. (I think someone may have already suggested it)