Prettiest overnight set!!!


New Member
I've been moisturizing at night and putting my hair into a very high loose ponytail. In the pony tail I put about 4 or 5 purple flexirods and spiral roll it. In the morning when I take out the rollers and ponytail holder I have big bouncy soft Victoria's Secret Model hair! Gotta love it. And the curls last all day :D
oooooohh.....that does sound really nice....WHAT NO PICS??? I may try this. What do you moisturize with? What's your length?
My digital camera is broken!!! I need to try to get a little disposable camera and take some pics. You'd love it. I love it! My mom even loved it and she doesn't hand out compliments that often.
My hair is 3 inches from waist length :D
Oh, and I moisturize with Motions light oil moisturizer! And add a touch of oil sheen.
I just let the curls down and shake with my fingers, I don't comb it. So the curls are full and bouncy all day!
Caramela said:
My digital camera is broken!!! I need to try to get a little disposable camera and take some pics. You'd love it. I love it! My mom even loved it and she doesn't hand out compliments that often.
My hair is 3 inches from waist length :D
Oh, and I moisturize with Motions light oil moisturizer! And add a touch of oil sheen.
I just let the curls down and shake with my fingers, I don't comb it. So the curls are full and bouncy all day!
Your hair has been doing some serious growing. I really want to see pics now!!:D
Caramela said:
I've been moisturizing at night and putting my hair into a very high loose ponytail. In the pony tail I put about 4 or 5 purple flexirods and spiral roll it. In the morning when I take out the rollers and ponytail holder I have big bouncy soft Victoria's Secret Model hair! Gotta love it. And the curls last all day :D
Take pictures and post so we can see before and after. Thanks ;)
Yes, there is noway you can come in here getting us all excited about a new doo and don't have no pics, I want to see some pics too. PICTURES!PICTURES!PICTURES! (in my best chanting voice),LOL.
Caramela said:
I've been moisturizing at night and putting my hair into a very high loose ponytail. In the pony tail I put about 4 or 5 purple flexirods and spiral roll it. In the morning when I take out the rollers and ponytail holder I have big bouncy soft Victoria's Secret Model hair! Gotta love it. And the curls last all day :D

Great idea! I also moisturize at night and put my hair up in a loose ponytail. But, I never thought about using flexirods!! Duh!:lachen:

I remember seeing pics of your hair from awhile ago, I can imagine that it looks great! I just bought some flexirods so I'll be trying this next. Thanks for sharing this with us! :)