PressNCurl Girls


Sidestepping the "lynch mob"
How often do you press? HOw often is too often? Anyone ever suffer hair loss/breakage by pressing new growth?
I wash, condition, and press my hair weekly. I wash and conditon with Keracare, and every other week I add Wella's in depth treatment. More than that, and my hair seems oily. I press with LusterSilks straight effects, and sometimes I add Keracare's "silk". This regime and my great hair vitamins, (thanks to this board), and my hair is growing very nicely. No split ends or breakage. Also the Straight effects leaves my hair very silky.....just like a perm.
I usually straighten mine once per month and wear it like that for a week.

When I was relaxed and transitioning back to natural, I suffered dry, breaking hair when using the pressing comb. If I had the knowledge I have now, I would have tried wearing curly styles as I transitioned.
I just got my first press last Tuesday and WOW does my hair look great!!!! Even my roots look straight. Everybody is asking me if I have decided to go back to the relaxer and I say no that it is just a PressNcurl. Nobody believes me.

I live in the south where we have about 80-100% humidity everyday, especailly during the summer, so I don't plan to do them that often right now. But when the fall comes, I might decide to press my hair about once a month then.

I think that if you are going to use a hot comb or the irons you put on a stove that you might want to have a professional do it. But if you are going to do it at home with a flatiron I think that you should be safe.

Just remember to condition your hair and to use a heat protectant.

Sorry so long
I press once weekly. I make sure I wash and do a deep conditioning before I do so. I usually add my oils while my hair is wet so it will be softer and less oily after I am finished applying the heat. Some times I use a ceramic flat iron and sometimes I use that good old fashioned pressing comb. If you do it yourself be very careful not to burn your hair. Once you pratice you can become a pro at it.
I press my hair every three weeks. My mom is a pro at it, so she does it for me. I have never put a relaxer in my hair, and I have been getting my hair pressed since I was 10. I have not experience any breakage, and my hair is growing nicely also.
I would say pressing your hair every week is a little bit much. Every two weeks is usually normal. Does anyone press their hair by themeselves? I want to learn, because I have never, or never will go to a hairdresser. I think the best person to do my hair is MYSELF. I want to learn soon, so when I get older, I can do it myself instead of having my mother do it. I'm turning 19 this year, and I still don't know how to press my own hair. When I get older, I don't want to get stuck going to a salon.
I press about twice a month with a old fashioned hot comb . I used to press once a week and I still had no problems. The key is to always apply moisture to your hair while wet,apply a heat protectant to each section as you press and most important make sure your comb is not to hot. Also I find that if my hair is slighty moist(about 99% dry)my hair always comes out silky and healthy looking with no breakage. I also have better results on air dried hair, more body and less drying. I always test my comb by wiping it on a white cloth before I press each section, if it scorches the cloth remember it will also fry your hair. Never press each section more than twice and make sure the back of the comb presses against the hair while straightening, that is what smoothes your hair. You'll have to experiment and see what works for you. I also have a electric comb which I use ocassionally but I like the heated comb better. Actually I've always gotten more growth and healthier hair when pressing. Relaxers wreak havoc on my hair.
WOW! You ladies got it down pat! Thanks for the tips...

Milchoc Your regimen sounds manageable. There I go running off to buy Straight Effects!

SVT You may be correct w/ the curly do's while transitioning. I was wearing my hair gelled back the last few weeks..but today I went back to my braid out...I also think once a month may be enough of a hassle to straighten the new growth. Do you go to a salon or does someone do it for you?

TransitioningK Good idea! I feared summertime is not the best time to press. But I'll give it a go. I'd rather use a comb than a flat iron, though.. ouch!

Pet Lucky you to have your mom do it...dang..

joyous What "protectant" do you use??

dontspeakdefeat What oils do you use? I normally use Kemi for most wet-setting styles and a combo of rosemary/jojoba/castor for other times. Are you using those oils?
dontspeakdefeat What oils do you use? I normally use Kemi for most wet-setting styles and a combo of rosemary/jojoba/castor for other times. Are you using those oils?

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I don't use kemi oil. I do use joboba oil on a nightly basis so my hair does not get too dry. I go back to the old school and use Johnsons ultra sheen conditioning hairdress to press with. It works extremely well for me. Since I apply while wet(make sure you don't use too much!) I soaks right in so my hair does not look too greasy! If you take a look at my pictures The the pic showing the back of my hair is a press and curl. I press once weekly to keep it more manageable and to aloow me to do a weekly deep conditioning.
Laela, I was using Breakthru Heat Strengthing creme, but I swithed to Thermasilk. The Breakthru was ok but it left a dull film on my hair, it may work differently on yours.

Pet, your welcome.
Poster: Laela

SVT You may be correct w/ the curly do's while transitioning. I was wearing my hair gelled back the last few weeks..but today I went back to my braid out...I also think once a month may be enough of a hassle to straighten the new growth. Do you go to a salon or does someone do it for you?

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I've transitioned several times on my own and at least once with a stylist. My stylist pressed my new growth and gradually clipped my ends. That transition was okay but my hair felt and looked dry most of the time. I didn't know about using curl activator and braidouts back then.

One of the times that I transitioned on my own, my hair especially pathetic looking. I attempted to press my new growth just my stylist did but I ended up pressing the relaxed hair also. My hair was dry, brittle and breaking. Coworkers saw fit to offer advice and recommend their hairdressers.
I'M 17 and started pressing my own hair whn i was 12 0r 13. the good news is i have plan that works for me. the bad news is i killed my hair in the process. you might want to get your mom to teach you, so you can avoid the trial and error method.
me presonally, i wash and deep condtion my hair then add pink lotion & ultra sheen pressing creme to my hair while it's damp then blow dry. then i press using small sections and adding a little ultra sheen as i go. when it's all done i take my electic flat iron and use it to curl my hair. on some sections in the front i put a little ampro curl wax so my hair doesn't sweat out. then i finish w/ a little oil sheen and comb out the curls. you could try this but i see that you are a type 3. i'm a 4 and have dry hair hair so you might not need all this, but it's just an example of what i do.
I press my hair once a week although it's in braids right now. I use a flatiron all over and then a hot comb on the edges for extra straightness. I can straighten my whole head with a hot comb too though.

If I could go 2 weeks without reversion I'd do it every 2 weeks. This is how often my hair was pressed (with a hot comb all over) as a child. Also, I've transitioned 3 times by having my new growth pressed and have had good results.