Pressing hair and not being able to wash it out???


New Member
I told you all how I had my hair washed, conditioned and pressed about a week ago. How come I just washed my hair and there are two very small sections of my hair that is still pressed?????????????????? I find this horribly amusing but annoying at the same time. I dont get it. Why is my hair still pressed?
Sometimes when too high of a heat is applied, the pressed hair stays pressed permenantly. This is what it sounds like.

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Permanently? She did not use that high of heat...Uh-oh. I mean it can be concealed with other styles but I think it looks weird. Is there anyway I can unpermanent this?
You got me, baby girl. I didn't know you could permanently press your hair! News to me!
You got me, baby girl. I didn't know you could permanently press your hair! News to me!

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That is what I was thinking but I will have my hair washed at the hair salon and ask them about it...I think it is amusing but at the same time I dont want the two small parts of my hair to look like I just finished growing out a jheri curl

Permanently? She did not use that high of heat...Uh-oh. I mean it can be concealed with other styles but I think it looks weird. Is there anyway I can unpermanent this?

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That I don't know. It never happened when I pressed but with others I know, it happened. They had to cut it off when they got sick of it.
I think it means the hair is overprocessed. I had this problem too. The hair got thinner and thinner and I had to have it trimmed off.
Femme and Jazz when I get my hair done this weekend I'll most likely have the person cut it off. Needless to say I wont be getting my hair pressed anytime soon. Dang. Weird sh*t is always happening to this head of hair.
The heat was too much. It may have permanently straightened your happens. If it's not too weird for you then leave it be. No harm no foul!
The heat was too much. It may have permanently straightened your happens. If it's not too weird for you then leave it be. No harm no foul!

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Good point. Very good point

Permanently? She did not use that high of heat...Uh-oh. I mean it can be concealed with other styles but I think it looks weird. Is there anyway I can unpermanent this?

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That I don't know. It never happened when I pressed but with others I know, it happened. They had to cut it off when they got sick of it.

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You're right! Too much heat was applied to your hair. And the only way it will return back to it former state is if you cut it.

My best friend has 2a/b/c (very curly, but very fine hair) (I have told this story on htis board several times) any way, she usually gets her hair blow dried and a very light press to take away any frizz. At the time her hair was Past Bra-strap. Well, she went to get her hair blow dried one day and when she went to wash it out (back to curly state) only parts of her hair reverted back, the other parts hung like wet strings. IT was horrible and she was unable to hide it in anyway (picture all these pretty tight curls that hung to like her shoulders due to shrinkage and then these long patches of straight hair in various places that hung to her bra-strap) She tried everything even went back to the beautician to see what she could do. Nothing worked. Finally, she went to my stylist and was told that too much heat was used on her hair and that it would never return back to its natural state. Well, Best Friend waited until she got some growth (the new growth came in wavy like her natural hair) and then she cut her bra strap hair to a TWA.
It was a really pretty curly TWA but none the less... cut off!

Dang. I'll wait til I get some new growth before I chop it off. I am pretty impulsive so there is a chance I might get scissor happy and cut it off tonight
it has begun . . . you know when cats talkbout having there hair trained. that what happing to you. after time the heat breaks down your curl pattern.that's what happened to me. now the crazy thing is i still have them straight strands but when i did the apohgee treatment it curled up a little. try that if you want give you hair back it's curl for a afro or something. but honey to be real that's kinda permenent, so the only real cure is cutting it off.
My cousin is a natural with type 4a/4b hair. She got her hair pressed recently and when she washed it the same exact thing happend, she had sections of hair that were still straight. She said something about training her hair to stay straight without using a relaxer via pressing. She said that if you continue to press that you will eventually loose your natural curl/wave pattern.
She said something about training her hair to stay straight without using a relaxer via pressing. She said that if you continue to press that you will eventually loose your natural curl/wave pattern.

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You know this happened to me when I first went natural and was pressing my hair myself. I think that the looser curl pattern comes as a result of burning the natural curl out of the hair, and no one needs that kind of training. At least for me, a looser curl pattern came at the expense of length, thickness and overall hair health.
I would definitely not recommend hard pressing just for looser curls, and by the way, the only way I got the parts that had been fried straight out of my hair was by cutting them off.
This seemingly phenomenon can happen even if the heat is not that could be mechanical damage. There are three kinds
1. Heat damage
2. Chemical damage
3. Mechanical damage

It is permanent...just keeping trimming it by small bits, unless it gets worst...then cut it off to avoid having to cut even more off because the damage keeps traveling up the length of the hair shaft.

Good Luck
When I first went natural I got week and got a texturizer. Eventually I got it pressed by someone too young and hip because she pretty much burned it straight. I could smell it. When I washed it, all of it was still straight,even after it dried. I cut it all off and started over. When I told another hair dresser about it she said people that wear their hair like that want it like that. I personally did not see how that could be good for my hair in any kind of way.
Thanks for all of your responses. The straight part in the back went back to normal dont ask me how but I have been examining my hair like a mad scientist in the mirror since this happened. The front part is still straigh though. Since I decided not to weave I am thinking about cutting my hair shorter anyway so I dont mind cutting so much. I wont be putting a hot comb to my hair again though just in case
This happened to my daughter. There is a section that is really straight (from 4a to 2b). The rest of her hair is curly, but not as curly as before. Her two-strand twists do not look the same anymore. I'm just going to let it grow and trim little by little. I thought getting a salon press would be better than my at home press. I was so wrong.
It's okay to get it pressed every now-and-then (well I get mine flatiron). But like I said, you can NOT use high heat or a lot of heat. Going over the hair sevral times with the iron is a

I have had no problems switiching from straight to curly! (Thank God!)