Prepping for a clarifying poo...


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies.

I've been experiencing a little more shedding than normal so I'm going to clarify tomorrow for the first time in ______ months. (I'm embarrassed to say). :ohwell: Is there anything special that I should do before or after I clarify?

I plan on using a clarifying poo, then using the 2 minute Aphogee Recon, then DCing, then a moisturizing leave-in. Am I missing a step?

I usually do a pre-poo w/ oil mixed w/ conditioner but I figured it'd be pointless since I'm trying to remove build-up.
How long will you deep condition? I usually try to deep condition for at least 30 minutes with heat after I clarify. Also, I know many people skip this step but I still do my pre-poo before clarifying.
Hmm i never prepoo before clarifying...i see what your saying though cause ure are gonna rinse it right out but ... some things i guess you might just have to try and see i guess.. i dont think its gonna harm your hair either way...
I usually only stay under the dryer on for 15 minutes but I will try to stay under for 30 minutes.

And question, in your experiences how has pre-pooing helped with this process.
I never pre-poo or do anything special before clarifying...but I always deep condition with heat afterwards. I also make sure I follow up with very moisturizing leave-in treatment...but that's about it.
Unfortunately, I know you're right. :ohwell: I think my nerves are getting the best of me. I just keep getting these images of my hair swooshing back and forth and being stripped absolutely dry. I guess that's why I waited ____ months to clarify.

Instead of DC'ing w/ ORS Replenishing, I'll use my new Miss Keys 10 en 1 this time. Hopefully it will help.