Prepoo with mineral oil products?? *HeLp!*


Well-Known Member
Okay, so the PJ in me forced the online purchases of Dabur Amla Oil and Silicone mix...HOWEVER, I failed to read the ingredients before hand and now realize that there is mineral oil in both products:nono:...I am not a fan of mineral oil and wondering, would it be okay to pre-poo with these products since I will be shampooing afterwards anyway? Also, I use sulfate-free poo, so will all of the mineral oil be removed or would I have to clarify?


***Psst, if anyone know of a brand of Amla oil that is mineral oil free, please share!​
I either make my own amla oil or get it from, which is a sesame oil base.

As for the Dabur products, everyone's hair responds to mineral oil differently. I've realized that my hair is okay with it as long as it's going to be rinsed out, or in the winter for my ends, but otherwise it's a no-go. If you and your hair don't like it, do not hesitate to return it IMMEDIATELY :yep:.
Thank you....I'm new to this whole pre-pooing thing and just jumped on the bandwagon without knowing the real benefits...excuse my ignorance ladies, but how is pre-pooing beneficial if its just going to be shampoo'd out??
Are you prepooing with these oils overnight? I usually do this Friday nights and wash it out Saturday morning. I've found that the oils I use to pre poo help strengthen my hair strands. I use Amla oil.

As far as mineral oil products, unless you know for sure that your hair doesn't do well with them i wouldn't freak out over it. They can and do still work well for many people. If you choose to use products with MO just make sure you shampoo regularly because they will build up. I've never used silicone mix but it seems to get a big thumbs up from many ladies on this board.
iwould say NOOOOOOOO!!! I've done the prepooing thing with both of those exact products and iHATE how it comes out..for me, prepooing with silicon mix was THE WORST! I'm just going to use them as regular conditioners--leaving them in my head for about 3 hair loves mineral oil (and cones for that matter), but not mineral oil as a pre poo...prepooing w/ ORS replenishing pack is the BESSST, IMO :-)
Everyone's hair is different. With that said, I hate the smell of amla so I won't ever use it again, regardless of if it worked for me or not.

I do, however, currently pre-poo with Parachute Gold Coconut Oil. The ingredients include mineral oil, coconut oil, coconut milk, and a preservative (can't think of the name). I love this (please read my last blog post for more info). I never thought I would be raving about mineral oil.

Give the stuff a try, if it doesn't work, give it to a friend.