Preparation for a relaxer


New Member
Hey ladies! I'm 10 weeks post, and I'm perming my hair this weekend. I've heard about people doing things to prepare for their perms (clarifying before, protein treatments, etc). So I just wanted to know, what do you guys do to prepare for your relaxer and what do you do to get the best results out of your relaxer?

I clarify about a week before and do a medium protein treatment. Before applying the relaxer, I put oil, mayo or conditioner (sometimes make a mix) on my previously relaxed hair. I base my edges as well with Vaseline (gently).

I just started my prerelaxer process. :yep:

I usually stop doing scalp massages and stop applying things to my scalp.
Two days before my relaxer I:
  • clarify
  • DC with protein
  • DC with moisture (I usually don't do this part,but my hair was feelin' a little rough)
  • Oil rinse (yep, I put it on the NG too. I want my hair texturized not straight)
  • Liberally apply Salerm 21 leave-in to both length and NG (it has silk)
Morning of my relaxer I spray from root to tip with diluted SAA and allow to dry completely before relaxing.
Thanks you guys! I think I'm prepared to get ready for my relaxer now. If any one else has any other things that they do, please let us know!