Prenatal Pills for Hairgrowth?


Well-Known Member
I just got back from GNC . I went in to get some Flaxseed Oil and Vitamin D3, and of course I had to ask about pills for Hair and the girl at the counter directed me to that particular section . She asked me if I've ever tried Prenatal Pills, because she said their really good for growth she ahd cut her hair to her chin and she wanted it too grow fast so she took it. So of course I had to buy it, have any of you ladies tried this before?
I haven't tried it but I've heard where some women have used them and swear by them. I guess it's all the extra vitamins and minerals that in them, more than the normal recommended amount, that attributes to hair and nail growth.
yep ive been using prenatal vitamins for years. Its basically a multi-vitamin. Really dont have much to show for it as far as hair.
yep ive been using prenatal vitamins for years. Its basically a multi-vitamin. Really dont have much to show for it as far as hair.

Me too. But of course before LHCF I was taking them to grow my hair and I still was not taking care of my hair properly so I've just this past year started to see the benefits with practicing healthy haircare along with taking the vits.
I have a girlfriend that swears that she got the best hair growth when she was taking prenatal pills (not pregnant). However I read that pregnant women seem to have better hair growth because they retain hairs that are suppose to be shedded thus longer fuller hair....althought added vitamin intake produces a healthier body...
I've been taking them for the last week and a half now but my hair has been in a updo for the last 4 weeks. I'm taking them for hair growth so I will let you know if it works. I read the Gwen Palthrow (sp.) swears by them and said how she has doulbe platinum blond hair and despite that she still has healthy hair.
they are just regular multivits with extra folic acid...thats what the pharmacist told me anyway. Faster hair grwoth is due to the increased amounts of estrogen prolonging the growing phase and reducing the sheding phase. Most women loose tons of hair after pregnancy because estrogen levels drop drastically. My friends hair was the bomb when she was pregnant. It wasnt because of the prenatal pills... she never took them as they made her sick as a dog.
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They worked for me. My hair grew the fastest during my pregnancies and the only thing I changed in my life was taking prenatal pills and drinking lots of water.
they are just regular multivits with extra folic acid...thats what the pharmacist told me anyway. Faster hair grwoth is due to the increased amounts of estrogen prolonging the growing phase and reducing the sheding phase. Most women loose tons of hair after pregnancy because estrogen levels drop drastically. My friends hair was the bomb when she was pregnant. It wasnt because of the prenatal pills... she never took them as they made her sick as a dog.

Gotta agree with that. I loved my hair when I was preggo. But it did break and fall out afterwards- with both children. I take prenatals- have been for over a year and no change for me.