Premature Grey


I was wondering if any of you ladies are dealing with premature grey hair. :( I have to deal with it and it is a real pain in the neck. What products are you using? Are you relaxed or natural? Do tell as I do not know what kind of coloring to use or how to care for my hair.
Let me say first of all that I love my grey (don't think Dh does but who cares). I don't plan to color my hair. I wash and condition like always. About once a month I use a shampoo for grey, like Shimmering Lights or Jhirmack poo for grey hair which takes the brassiness out of the grey and keeps it bright. There was a thread on this a couple of months ago I'll bump it.
I too have premature grey. My staple products are in my siggy. However, if I need to brighten my grey, Roux Fanciful has a nice rinse that shampoos out. Sometimes color from hair product will transfers onto my grey hair. This does the trick for me. It can be purchased any Sally's.

I had premature gray since I was 12 or 13.It's just a few strands tough and I treat them not any different then the rest of my hair
I started greying at 17 and now I am 34. It is hereditary though (big time!). I have a lot of grey and I am not ready to come to terms with that much grey just yet. I am relaxed and I was using semi-perm color to cover it up but it was not lasting long at all. My hair was all sorts of shades from the base colors, which were sometimes green:eek: ! So after reading into Henna and Indigo, I decided to go for it a few weeks ago and I am very happy with it.:grin: After one application my hair is black but it has subtle highlights that you can see in the light. I am very happy with this look but I've heard that the more applications the darker it gets. I think I may just do the new growth next time because I like having the "highlights."
sweetnlow06 said:
I started greying at 17... It is hereditary though (big time!).

ditto. but i don't have a lot yet... we get it early but it takes forever to really come in full force.

i love gray hair though - i don't want to color mine. i can't wait to have a head full of shiny silver strands... i think it's cool. yeah i'm probably weird... who cares... :grin:
I found a few gray hairs last year:eek: At first I tried to fight them, now I don't really care. I just hate how WILD and coarse they are.
Another premature grey haired woman here. I've had grey hair since I was 12. Now it's noticable, and people always ask me about it. It doesn't bother me that much at all, but sometimes I get a rinse.
I was born with grey hairs, and so was my father, and so was my daughter! (sign of wisdom?!?) every year, i find more and more greys scattered across my scalp(sign of stress?!?)... it's not noticable to people since my hair density (population) is thick. I like it tho. I think that i will let it go grey if it ever started to take over my whole head. I may henna or rinse for color just for change now and then but not because of the greys. when i get older, i think i'll let it go white. I think a head full of stark white healthy long (or short) hair looks nice on some people. It looks good on men anyways... so why not women too?:)

I get mad at my grandma for going to the salon to get a rinse. (she goes and get it colored amber, it looks good) I think if she embraced it, that she could make the greys work for her too. (but i think she likes to look youthful).
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I found my first white hair about 2 weeks ago and I'm totally intrigued by it. :look: I plan on coloring my hair and/or using henna this summer. I'mma hate to see it go...:lol:
i got some greys...well, more like silvers. I blame my mom. I remember when I was about 10, she developed this silver streak down the center of her hair (which has now spread). Apparently, it's genetic. :ohwell: