Pregnant!!!! HELP! (kinda long)


New Member
Okay, I am 22 weeks pregnant. I have been getting my hair done professionally once a week for 9 weeks now- before that I was putting bonded weave in my hair (I did this for over a year and a half) and my hair was really fragile and broken off in many places.

On my first salon visit since I have been pregnant, I was given an intense deep reconstructing conditioner (it felt like peppermint but I dont know the brand) and I sat under the dryer with a creme conditioner. I also got a lot of my hair cut off so it could grow.

I continued going to my stylist every week and I have had two relaxer touch-ups in this nine week span due to the amount of new growth I have had. I have also had two trims. The only problem now is that my hair is healthy and in shape, but I have three lengths of hair. It's shorter on the top and sides, medium in the middle, and long strands in the back. Since I am pregnant and my hair is growing reapidly, my stylist says that it will all at some point even up and I could get it trimmed every few weeks as the different lengths meet.

DO you have any other suggestions?

Also my hair is very very dry. My stylist has been adding a light oil to my hair every week, but after about two days, it begins to itch badly. I thought it was dandruff, but there are no signs of that in my hair.

I would consider my hair medium length, and I would like to grow it out and wear a longer wrap for the spring (when I have the baby)

Any tips you could give me would be greatly appreciated. I am new to this board and I am loving all of the advice you are giving.

I am currently wearing my hair in crimps, which lasts me all week until I get it done again. I wear a silk bonnet at night with minimum styling.
Does the stylist put the oil on your hair or your scalp. If she is putting it on your scalp maybe you can just put it on your hair. Or many women here wash their hair about 2x a week. Maybe you can add in a second wash your self mid-week. I usually do that and just tie my wet hair down and go to sleep. In the morning I put my hair in a bun or pin it up. It is nice and flat even with 2 inches of new growth.

As for the trim, if your ends are healthy and the different lengths are not noticable in the styles that you were your hair in I say do not cut it. When the spring time comes and you want to start wearing the wrap get on trim to even the hair out. Just my opinions.. Hope that helps...