Pregnancy Vitamins for Mega Hair Growth???


Is anyone out there taking Pregnancy Vitamins who ISN'T pregnant and experiencing great hair results? I've just recently started taking them again. We had my son almost 3 years ago, and of course my hair grew like crazy at the time, (but it was also natural and I didn't know if the growth was because of the vitamins or my hair being chemical free). I asked my doctor if it was OK and she said yes, but to make sure I drink LOTS of water daily, so I try to drink about a gallon a day. Are any of you guys doing this? If so how are your results? Has anybody heard any reason why I shouldn't continue? So far my hair is doing great! No complaints! Let me know. Thanks a bunch!
I don't think there is anything particular extra special about prenatals except that fact there there is increased folic acid. In my personal opinion I think the reason why so many women experience awesome looking hair and increased growth rate is that fact that women tend to take super care of themselves during their pregnancy: they eat well, get lost of rest, and take their vitamins. Also your blood volume increases dramatically while pregnant, so that could be a factor as well. I know for me while I was pregnant, my hair grew so fast, my nails grew, and my skin glowed. I got a lot of compliments particularly about my skin.

OH that's true! Excellent points! Everything nails were hard and never split, my hair was so strong that when I tried to get a relaxer my hair just laughed at it! My Fro was HUGE!!! It was a lot of fun though! Now that I'm relaxed I didn't know if I needed to use the vitamins. Maybe I'll just run out of these and start using the GNC Women's Mega Vitamin that I read about on here. Do you know about the Hair vitamin Shakes?
Also, a lot more hormones are circulating through your body... this helps with growth. It is my opinion that a good multivitamin is much better than prenatals.
Also, if I remember correctly,
I think HoneyRockette tried the Hair shake and it made her sick.
You might want to ask her.
AJamericanDiva said:
Also, a lot more hormones are circulating through your body... this helps with growth. It is my opinion that a good multivitamin is much better than prenatals.

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I'm taking my prescription prenatal vitamins. I lost my baby a month ago, but I figure I might as well finish them an besides the doctor said with the folic acid that's in it will help increase my chances of getting pregnant again. So by taking them and my other vitamins my hair is growing along with my co washes. You have to find a vitamin that works for you, but a good multi should do it.
I am sorry to hear about your loss. I don't know how far along you were, but I will tell you that from what I've heard, your chances of getting pregnant seem to increase after a loss. I don't know if it's because the cervix is still slightly open or what... You are in my prayers.
AJamericanDiva said:
I am sorry to hear about your loss. I don't know how far along you were, but I will tell you that from what I've heard, your chances of getting pregnant seem to increase after a loss. I don't know if it's because the cervix is still slightly open or what... You are in my prayers.

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Thank you AJamericanDiva!
I was 7 weeks, a few of my friends said the same thing about the cervix so we're praying for the best. It's been 32 days still no cycle so we'll see by the end of this month.
I ahve taken prenata pills before when I was not pregnant and I satill got alot of good results. I picked up a litlte weight but i was rail thin back then so it was all good. But anyways. I ahve been considering going back when I get off Accutane becuase my hair grows fast naturlaly but those pills were like "go go gadget hair!!!"
Yes I have experienced tremendous amount growth I just received another bottle a couple of days ago. It is from the It is called maxi-prenatal very very good they are the vegetarian you have to take 6 of those bad boys and they are capsules.

Oh, girl-
I know what you are going through- I have been there 3 times unfortunately. I know you are strong and will manage, but I know how hard it is. If you want to cry and be angry, you go on ahead, it's yours and you are entitled. You know you have a strong circle of stregnth and warmth right here!
Jellynote: I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I pray that the next time will be a sticky for you (meaning that the pgy will stay). Take care.

Thank you ladies for all your support. This was my 4th time an it was an ectopic pregnancy so I lost my right tube, but hey my left one is still good and if it's Gods will I'll have another healthy baby someday.

Sorry for your loss. Don't worry in time you will be blessed with another child. I am here if you need a shoulder.
Tonya said:

Sorry for your loss. Don't worry in time you will be blessed with another child. I am here if you need a shoulder.

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Thanks Tonya it's been rough, but we're making it. It would've been my husbands 1st child and my 4th this is both of our 2nd marriage. I've got 2 girls and a boy from my 1st marriage. I'm soory for getting off the hair topic please forgive me!
Hi Jellynote, I believe you will get pregant again! We're all praying for you too! You sound like a terrific Mom and I'm so sorry for your loss. And don't worry about getting off the hair topic! We're all wishing you the very very best!! God Bless You and your family! :-)