Pregnancy, Relaxers, and other Chemicals


New Member
I'm sure there is a thread about this somewhere, but the search feature isn't working for me. I just found out I'm pregnant :babyb:and its early, but I really need a relaxer and was wondering if I should even attempt it.
Would the chemicals get into my blood stream and then the babies?
Henna straightens my hair to a degree is that safe?

Thanks for any help!!!
The placenta doesn't form until around the 8th-10th week - if you are before that, you & the babe aren't sharing a blood supply.

Henna is safe for use during pregnancy.
I'm not sure about henna but, you can relax your hair while you are prego. But, because of the hormones, it might not take.
I'm pregnant too. Congrats! My doctor told me it was totally safe to relax. I know some people who opt not to though. I think I may only get one relaxer between now and giving birth and use the rest of the time as a prime opportunity to stretch....
I'm on my third child and I relaxed throughout all three problems at all.

It's perfectly natural to feel that everything you do will have some affect on your baby, but trust me, you'll be fine.
First congratulations on your pregnancy, it is fine to relaxer and henna during pregnancy I have not had any problems, I had to do a corrective after my relaxer didn’t take. I am more worried about post partum shedding..
did you say babies?? aaaw your having twins?? Congrats

Yeah as the other have said, Relaxers are safe during pregnancy, used it too, but like some people said, it didnt take as well either..

Henna is a natural products so you can use that without any worries :yep:
I decided not to while i was pregnant, but that was just me. I know of many women that relaxed their hair while pregnant and had healthy babies...Congrats on your pregnancy!
Thanks and congratulations to all of you ladies. I'm definately in a state of panic about everything that I put in or near my body right now so this advice was helpful.

How is the texture of my hair supposed to change that the relaxer won't take? A bad texture change or a good one? hehe
:nono:It's a big misconception about doing chemical treatments. I believe that ppl got it all mixed up over the years. Doing chemical treatments like relaxers will raise the ph level in your body which isn't good for you or the baby. but once you neutralize to lower the ph everything is fine. No it won't get into your blood stream and harm the child unless to have a large open wound on your head. And if you did why would get a relaxer:lachen:BUT I WOULD STILL ASK THE DOCTOR!!!!
I am 7months and I am getting a relaxer tomorrow after almost a 14 week stretch (whew its a jungle up there!!). This is the third relaxer of my pregnancy and I feel its fine!!