Pregnancy and Relaxers


Well-Known Member
Have any of u ladies used a relaxer while your were pregnant regularly? I'm not expecting but i do want kids in the future and i don't like my curly hair therefor i relax. Is it safe to use relaxers without your kids having side effects?
I was relaxed through all three of my pregnancies. :yep:

I had the same worries and asked my midwife about it when I was pregnant with my first. I can't remember exactly what she said because she began citing studies and using all kinds of big doctor words :lol: But she did say that it was safe.
Although I am natural and had no intentions of relaxing, during my first appointment my OBGYN went through the list of do's and dont's during my pregnancy and no relaxing or coloring was on the list.

For my previous 2 pregnancies my OBGYN (no longer a patient of his) never mentioned if relaxing was okay or not so I relaxed with no ill effects.
No side effects-- I guess none that you know of. Our kids are hitting puberty at the youngest rates ever. Hormones and chemicals we impose on the youngins' from birth seem to be showing there effects later (black products are full of them).
I think the smartest approach is always to consult a doctor as well as do your own research.

I personally doubt it effects children. Someone mentioned children hitting puberty earlier, but that is mostly being linked to the chemicals exposed to children during their toddler and later years as opposed to during their time in the womb.

Still that is based on my opinion OP and what I have observed around me, you should make your own informed opinion.
I think the smartest approach is always to consult a doctor as well as do your own research.

I personally doubt it effects children. Someone mentioned children hitting puberty earlier, but that is mostly being linked to the chemicals exposed to children during their toddler and later years as opposed to during their time in the womb.

Still that is based on my opinion OP and what I have observed around me, you should make your own informed opinion.

ITA. I personally think that any adverse affects on children linked to chemicals is moreso due to the chemicals/growth hormones/etc. in the foods that the children had been eating not on chemicals that mom may have used on her head while pregnant.

While I believe that it is a personal decision as to whether or not to relax while pregnant, like others have stated, it is something that you may want to discuss with your doctor just to make you feel more comfortable with your decision.
my obgyn advised me that if i wanted to color or chemically relax my hair to make sure i applied the products in a well ventilated area and i would be fine.
I'm not sure... But I probably won't relax when I'm pregnant. I stretch 4-5 months anyway. What's a few extra months?

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As long as the chemicals don't go into your bloodstream, its ok. I also agree with chemically processing your hair in a well ventilated room.
U knw since u brought it up, my relaxers nor my permanent dyes wld never fully take when i was expecting. Idk if it was bcuz my hair was way oilyer (sp) during tht time or not. I do remember it growing so nice and thick and then a ton of shedding after the birth.
I personally think it's one of those overreaching precautions. Like sleeping on your left side only... The justification is based on something so minute.

That said, I didn't relax while I was pregnant. For two reasons: 1) the pregnancy police were EVERYWHERE and actively checking my roots :rollseye: and 2) I was too darn tired to make it to the beauty parlor.
It's fine to relax while pregnant. I suggest a salon or if you do it be certain to do it in a well ventilated area.

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Nothing wrong with relaxing while pregnant.

Regarding the chemical exposure etc.., millions of women relax their hair in many different countries with no problems whatsoever. Many of the children born in those countries are not hitting puberty early like the children here in America. There are chemical exposures in this country that are affecting us and our children and it has nothing to do with relaxers.

Case in point..., I have relatives that relocate to this country who were healthy and skinny. In no time they get so big and bloated up.., people are always asking me, OMG, what are you feeding them in America??? They are injecting our foods with all kinds of chemicals..., it's hard to know what is truly fresh and pure to consume. I am natural, but I hate it when people blame relaxers for this or that, when they are literally killing themselves with other stuff and don't even know it.
i suggest asking your ob about this. mine said it was ok, but i decided not to relax until after the baby was born.

since anything you put on your skin is absorbed into your body. small amounts of chemicals may not affect your fully grown system, but baby is developing and fragile. i know some OB will say wait until after 1st trimester. some will say it's ok. (mine said ok.) some will say no. i ultimately decided to error on the side of caution.

plenty of women relax with no issues that we know of. that being said, we are sicker and more toxic as a population so these chemicals in our environment, food, etc. may be a cause to consider.

get all the information you can, talk to your doctor and then make your decision as mommy on what you feel is best.

congrats on your little bundle. :)