Precious Brayden Passed Away.... Update in Post #35


"God is the Only Truth -- Period"
Staff member
Please see post #35.

Please continue to pray for this dear family. Thank you to everyone who prayed for them. Each of you are wonderful, indeed.

God bless each of you...beyond words.

Shimmie :love2:

Original Post from 7/3/2014:

Please Pray for This Darling Child and His Family... Please.

Brayden is only 5 years old and undergoing treatment for cancer. He is a brave little very brave. Please keep him in your prayers and whatever else God places into your heart to do.

FYI: One of our members here is a close family friend. :love2:

Thank you and God bless you.

by Family & Friends

We are coming close to the end of our stay here in Mexico. Part of me is so ready to leave and the other part dreads the transition. The program Brayden is on is a rigorous one and will take a lot of work. This is why part of me dreads leaving.

While I’m so ready to get out of here, I’m not so ready to depart from all of the assistance that is here. I just want to leave this place and return to the states with a fully restored child. It’s the wait that is so hard. God knows what I want but He also knows what I need. Apparently what I need is to continue pressing on in this trial.

It hurts, it blows, but God knows what is best. He knows that my heart sinks when Brayden wets himself (something he never ever does), He knows how I fight back tears when he doesn’t feel like eating or can hardly hold what little food he does eat down, He knows how I feel when I see the tumor on his neck that isn’t getting any smaller, and He knows how we feel when facing many of the other discouraging aspects of this journey.

God knows and He cares. I’ve given Him a timetable that works for me (lol) but His timetable is best for me. So we press on in the struggle. We cry, we encourage each other, and we try to be the best parents we can be to SaVanna, and I’ve got to admit it is challenging. Especially when we are dealing with a crisis with Brayden and SaVanna is asking us to play a game with her. She is so precious and innocent.

She doesn’t really get what’s going on, so as parents we have to put smiles on our faces and give her the time she needs. Yet, despite all of our troubles we know we are truly blessed. We are blessed that our son is not in hospice, we are blessed that we are all here together as a family, we are blessed that God is so merciful to us. The list could go on and on. God is strengthening and preparing us for something. Though we don’t like the wait we will continue to patiently wait on the Lord.

In regard to Brayden, he is doing fine. He’s emotional at times but he still has his personality. He claims he’s tired all of the time and doesn’t want to get out of the bed. He just wants to lay in the bed and regulate everything SaVanna does. He really thinks he’s her dad.

To combat his tendency to want to lay in bed all day we take walks to the beach, and spend a lot of our time on the deck playing games with him. He can walk on his own but he struggles. His frame is small but he’s not losing any weight he’s just not gaining. H

e doesn’t complain about the tumor on his neck but it prevents him from bending his head backwards. He sorta holds his head forward because he really can’t straighten it out too much. He participates in worship, singing with us and very intently listening to the stories. He’s a special kid who is going through a lot. I just want him to have fun again, which I know one day he will.

Now, just a tidbit about Van, he is doing well. He’s stronger than he could’ve ever imagined he would be. If something happens and I just can’t get myself together mentally, he encourages me. It seems as though we are never really struggling at the same time so one of us can hold up the other. What a blessing. Van is so helpful, he does everything he can to assist. Even when it makes Brayden upset.

Van has had to use his physical strength to hold Brayden down for shots. When it’s all said and done Brayden tells us how upset he is that daddy is strong. LOL. Van also takes the fall for everything. Any time Brayden gets a treatment that he doesn’t like, despite the fact that I’m the main culprit, he blames daddy. I’m so glad Van has a tough skin.

Yet, although he’s tough he’s hurting inside. I can tell this thing is wearing on him. Being in a different country in a medical facility with no outlet is a lot. I think he’ll be much better when we return to the states. Actually, he’ll be much better when he gets his son back. So remember to keep him in your prayers as you keep all of us in your prayers.

Finally, one little thing about my SaVanna, she is a TROOPER. She is the sweetest thing you could ever imagine. She’s so helpful and willing to do anything, and I mean anything to help. She told Brayden she would help him wipe his butt. LOL. No Vanna, that won’t be necessary. When I’m praying for Brayden she will chime in, “mommy what about me?” So I’ll have a special prayer for her.

When I tell Brayden that God has a special plan for his life, I’ll hear a “what about me,” in the background, and I let her know that God has blessed her with the gift of being a helper. I believe it’s a real gift. She’s my cuddlebug. Always wanting to lay in the bed with me or hug me up. Just as cheerful and happy as she can be. Everyone going through a struggle needs their own version of SaVanna. She brings so much joy.

P.S. I started writing this post in tears, but as I began to reflect upon our blessings I felt so much better. This is why we must always train our minds to focus on God’s blessings and not what appears to be going wrong.

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Re: Prayers for 5 year old Brayden - Undergoing Cancer Treatment. His Mom's Update:

Thanks Shimmie!!! I will let SaMonna know she has even more prayer warriors praying for them.


You are more than welcome. I will also continue to post her updates as they come into my home email. Please keep us updated as well. :love2:

Love to Braden. He is so adorable and so is SaVanna. :love3:
Re: Prayers for 5 year old Brayden - Undergoing Cancer Treatment. His Mom's Update:

Praying for Brayden.
Re: Prayers for 5 year old Brayden - Undergoing Cancer Treatment. His Mom's Update:

I don't know what's happening but she just posted this.

:pray: Praying for your friend; praying that all is well in Jesus' Name, Amen.

Please keep us posted.
Re: Prayers for 5 year old Brayden - Undergoing Cancer Treatment. His Mom's Update:

Please continue with your prayers for Little Brayden. He has been unconscious. Please pray and thank you. :pray:
Re: Update: 7/5/14 - Little Brayden is Unconcious. Please Continue to Pray -- Thank y

Please God, touch him. Heal him, Lord.
Re: Update: 7/5/14 - Little Brayden is Unconcious. Please Continue to Pray -- Thank y

So far, there are no further updates that I am aware of, however please continue to pray ... and thank you. :love2:

I've never met this family, yet my heart goes out to them. How can one not help but to fall in love with this precious child and pray God's best for him? I can't even begin to imagine how painful this is for him and for his family.

So again, I thank everyone for their heartfelt prayers and support, of Little Brayden. I am hoping for a positive update.

Last night SaMonna posted that he was off oxygen and breathing on his own although he was still unconscious.

This morning she posted


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Re: Update: 7/5/14 - Little Brayden is Unconcious. Please Continue to Pray -- Thank y


Last night SaMonna posted that he was off oxygen and breathing on his own although he was still unconscious.

This morning she posted

LovelyLouboutin, thank you for this update. We're still praying for this precious angel's total healing. I'll change the title of this thread to reflect this current update, okay?

Love and prayers to you and Bradyen and his family. :love3:

Please keep us posted. :yep:
Re: New Update for Little Brayden - July 8, 2014 - See Post #14. Thank you Everyone.

Today's Update from Brayden's Mom. Please continue to pray. Thank you Everyone for your prayers and support. :love3:

He shall be healed in Jesus' Name. All Glory is unto God. Amen.


by Family & Friends

This is the most important post I’ll probably right in this journey. The enemy doesn’t want me to post it. He tried to cover me with fear and doubt, telling me I’m going to look like a fool. In actuality he is the fool. God is about to do something mighty. I’ve prayed about it, begged Him to move sooner, struggled with the delay, but now this miracle is shortly about to unfold.

We took Brayden to the ER yesterday because his pulse was too high. At the hospital they decided to do a cat scan. In my heart I was hoping they would come back baffled as to where the cancer had gone. I hoped the miracle was going to unfold.

Instead, like so many times before they came in dropping bombs. The doc on call had such a look of concern on his face. He said Brayden’s cancer was HORRIFIC. I honestly think he was in shock at how bad it was. It has grown beyond belief since our last MRI in D.C. Basically the cancer has filled his brain to the point it is pushing it down into the spinal cord. Long story short, Brayden isn’t expected to make it to the weekend. But God…

If God had not told me His plan was to heal Brayden, I would accept this news. Death is terrible, painful, and unfortunate but God allows it for our greater good. However this is not His desire for Brayden. Some may think I’m crazy or in denial. That’s fine, but I believe this is simply a test of my faith. It’s important that I share this news with all of you as well because it could be a test of your faith.

This situation is so much bigger than Brayden. God is about to come and get His children but He needs us to have faith. The question is asked in Luke 18:8, “when the Son of Man returns, will He find any faith on the Earth?” Faith is an essential part of our salvation and we have got to learn to trust God now before we are faced with trials that could shake us out of the safety of His hands.

Now that the situation is truly impossible, it’s time for God to step in. When we are at a place where everything we tried did not work and we are all out of options, it’s on God. So as strange as it may seem and as hard as the doctor’s report was for me to hear, I rejoice that we have found ourselves in this impossible situation. I’m excited to share all the behind the scene details when this is all said and done and I’m more excited that Brayden is about to be fully restored. So how about you? Where is your faith? Do you believe?

Either way, stay tuned and hold on to your seats because God is about to show off and show out!

07/07/2014 - Update:

by Family & Friends

We are back in the U.S. and as you know God is good. On Sunday Van and I put some serious prayers down for Brayden as well as all the saints. Brayden’s doc explained to us that there basically was no telling when Brayden would wake up.

As a result, Van and I specifically asked God to wake Brayden up on Sunday, not Monday, Tuesday, next week, or next month. We wanted are baby to wake up yesterday and God answered.

Sunday afternoon there was a prayer vigil held at G.E. Peters, which is Brayden’s school, and while they were praying Brayden began to breathe on his own without assistance. We also asked God to confirm that Brayden was able to swallow so that we would be able to feed him when we got here. Late Sunday evening we gave him a small sip of water from a straw and he swallowed it. He also was able to wrap his lips around the straw to suck the water out. It was just a little but this let us know that his swallowing was not impacted by all of this.

These things may seem small but they are not, they are huge. If anyone of you could’ve seen Brayden on Friday or Saturday you would understand. What is also amazing is the fact that Brayden’s lungs were clear on Sunday. He aspirated and there was fluid in his lungs.

They suctioned out so much stuff out of my baby’s body on Saturday. Dr. Rogers was in awe at how quickly his lungs had cleared up. Also, there was a concern about some type of bleeding or blood loss because of what was being suctioned out. I personally believed it was the molasses I was giving him, but nevertheless the labs came back and Brayden’s blood work/levels looked great.

As of now Brayden is tired. Rest brings healing and he went through a lot on Friday. I think his jaw is very sore from the seizure. He still isn’t talking or able to walk, he simply is resting but in a conscious state. He’ll look at us and respond with his arms if he has the strength.

Having said all of this we are truly blessed to have all of you praying for Brayden. A community of believers from all over the world petitioning God on Brayden’s behalf. Love it! So now we’d like to share the specific reasons we’re asking God to do restore Brayden now. These things aren’t necessities they are simply things we desire. God has already promised healing so we just want to press Him a little further.

Here goes, we want Brayden to be completely revived in the next couple of days for the following reasons:

He wanted to come visit his grandparents so bad. When the make a wish team came to plan his wish trip, he requested Disneyland, over Disneyworld so he could see his GiGi and Granddaddy. He looked forward to playing in the yard and working in their garden. We are here now and currently he is unable to do that.

I want him to be able to play with all of his little cousins. He doesn’t get to see them often and they have so much fun when they do get together
He absolutely loves Vacation Bible School. SaVanna has already went one day without him.

SaVanna needs her best friend back. She won’t have nearly as much fun here in Cali or anywhere without her brother. Even when he was in the bed all day in Mexico they played.

In a couple of weeks I’m supposed to be in a wedding of someone who is very special to me. While I know this person understands the situation, I also know that he really would be heart broken if I couldn’t be a part. The beautiful thing is God cares about that too.

We want to have fun as a family here in sunny California. That was our plan from the beginning, to end our Mexico journey with a little bit of fun.

Finally, I don’t know how much more my heart can take. God has not given us the spirit of fear so I pray it off the best I can. It’s just the thought of another episode like Friday that is simply unbearable to me.

Outside of the obvious reasons, those are just a few of the reasons we really would like Brayden to be restored now. So please join with us in this prayer. The prayers of the righteous availeth much and God has blessed us with an army of the righteous lifting up our son.

Our hearts are so overwhelmed with all of your support. It truly is awesome.

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Today's Update from Brayden's Mom. Please continue to pray. Thank you Everyone for your prayers and support. :love3:

He shall be healed in Jesus' Name. All Glory is unto God. Amen.


by Family & Friends

This is the most important post I’ll probably right in this journey. The enemy doesn’t want me to post it. He tried to cover me with fear and doubt, telling me I’m going to look like a fool. In actuality he is the fool. God is about to do something mighty. I’ve prayed about it, begged Him to move sooner, struggled with the delay, but now this miracle is shortly about to unfold.

We took Brayden to the ER yesterday because his pulse was too high. At the hospital they decided to do a cat scan. In my heart I was hoping they would come back baffled as to where the cancer had gone. I hoped the miracle was going to unfold.

Instead, like so many times before they came in dropping bombs. The doc on call had such a look of concern on his face. He said Brayden’s cancer was HORRIFIC. I honestly think he was in shock at how bad it was. It has grown beyond belief since our last MRI in D.C. Basically the cancer has filled his brain to the point it is pushing it down into the spinal cord. Long story short, Brayden isn’t expected to make it to the weekend. But God…

If God had not told me His plan was to heal Brayden, I would accept this news. Death is terrible, painful, and unfortunate but God allows it for our greater good. However this is not His desire for Brayden. Some may think I’m crazy or in denial. That’s fine, but I believe this is simply a test of my faith. It’s important that I share this news with all of you as well because it could be a test of your faith.

This situation is so much bigger than Brayden. God is about to come and get His children but He needs us to have faith. The question is asked in Luke 18:8, “when the Son of Man returns, will He find any faith on the Earth?” Faith is an essential part of our salvation and we have got to learn to trust God now before we are faced with trials that could shake us out of the safety of His hands.

Now that the situation is truly impossible, it’s time for God to step in. When we are at a place where everything we tried did not work and we are all out of options, it’s on God. So as strange as it may seem and as hard as the doctor’s report was for me to hear, I rejoice that we have found ourselves in this impossible situation. I’m excited to share all the behind the scene details when this is all said and done and I’m more excited that Brayden is about to be fully restored. So how about you? Where is your faith? Do you believe?

Either way, stay tuned and hold on to your seats because God is about to show off and show out!

07/07/2014 - Update:

by Family & Friends

We are back in the U.S. and as you know God is good. On Sunday Van and I put some serious prayers down for Brayden as well as all the saints. Brayden’s doc explained to us that there basically was no telling when Brayden would wake up.

As a result, Van and I specifically asked God to wake Brayden up on Sunday, not Monday, Tuesday, next week, or next month. We wanted are baby to wake up yesterday and God answered.

Sunday afternoon there was a prayer vigil held at G.E. Peters, which is Brayden’s school, and while they were praying Brayden began to breathe on his own without assistance. We also asked God to confirm that Brayden was able to swallow so that we would be able to feed him when we got here. Late Sunday evening we gave him a small sip of water from a straw and he swallowed it. He also was able to wrap his lips around the straw to suck the water out. It was just a little but this let us know that his swallowing was not impacted by all of this.

These things may seem small but they are not, they are huge. If anyone of you could’ve seen Brayden on Friday or Saturday you would understand. What is also amazing is the fact that Brayden’s lungs were clear on Sunday. He aspirated and there was fluid in his lungs.

They suctioned out so much stuff out of my baby’s body on Saturday. Dr. Rogers was in awe at how quickly his lungs had cleared up. Also, there was a concern about some type of bleeding or blood loss because of what was being suctioned out. I personally believed it was the molasses I was giving him, but nevertheless the labs came back and Brayden’s blood work/levels looked great.

As of now Brayden is tired. Rest brings healing and he went through a lot on Friday. I think his jaw is very sore from the seizure. He still isn’t talking or able to walk, he simply is resting but in a conscious state. He’ll look at us and respond with his arms if he has the strength.

Having said all of this we are truly blessed to have all of you praying for Brayden. A community of believers from all over the world petitioning God on Brayden’s behalf. Love it! So now we’d like to share the specific reasons we’re asking God to do restore Brayden now. These things aren’t necessities they are simply things we desire. God has already promised healing so we just want to press Him a little further.

Here goes, we want Brayden to be completely revived in the next couple of days for the following reasons:

He wanted to come visit his grandparents so bad. When the make a wish team came to plan his wish trip, he requested Disneyland, over Disneyworld so he could see his GiGi and Granddaddy. He looked forward to playing in the yard and working in their garden. We are here now and currently he is unable to do that.

I want him to be able to play with all of his little cousins. He doesn’t get to see them often and they have so much fun when they do get together
He absolutely loves Vacation Bible School. SaVanna has already went one day without him.

SaVanna needs her best friend back. She won’t have nearly as much fun here in Cali or anywhere without her brother. Even when he was in the bed all day in Mexico they played.

In a couple of weeks I’m supposed to be in a wedding of someone who is very special to me. While I know this person understands the situation, I also know that he really would be heart broken if I couldn’t be a part. The beautiful thing is God cares about that too.

We want to have fun as a family here in sunny California. That was our plan from the beginning, to end our Mexico journey with a little bit of fun.

Finally, I don’t know how much more my heart can take. God has not given us the spirit of fear so I pray it off the best I can. It’s just the thought of another episode like Friday that is simply unbearable to me.

Outside of the obvious reasons, those are just a few of the reasons we really would like Brayden to be restored now. So please join with us in this prayer. The prayers of the righteous availeth much and God has blessed us with an army of the righteous lifting up our son.

Our hearts are so overwhelmed with all of your support. It truly is awesome.

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Praise God!!!!! She is definitely reminding God of the promises that He made to us!!!! Jesus made it so that we could go BOLDLY before the throne of grace!! I stand in agreement with her prayer for Brayden's healing! God be glorified!!
Re: New Update for Little Brayden - July 8, 2014 - See Post #14. Thank you Everyone.

Here us another update ladies!

LovelyLouboutin... thank you so much for keeping us updated.

I've never met this family, except through you and I've fallen in love with Little Brayden. He is truly in my heart and my siggy. :love4:

I know the power of prayer and of God's love and I am so blessed that you have given us the honor of knowing Brayden and his family. It's beyond this forum and the Internet... It's truly 'Heart to Heart'.

Please let her know how much we love Brayden and that our prayers are with each of them. Sending a huge hug to Brayden.... HUGE.

:circle: :love: :grouphug2: :love: :circle:
Re: Encouraging Update 7/9/2014: From Brayden's Mom. Post #16. Thanks Everyone.

Anymore updates?

bellatiamarie, thank you so much for asking. :grouphug2:

I haven't received any recent updates in my email.

Tagging LovelyLouboutin , to see if she has received any new updates. :yep:

Thank you and everyone for your prayers for Brayden. I've been praying for him and several other precious ones who are being 'challenged' with this disease. Thanking God throughout the day for each of them to be healed. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Re: Encouraging Update 7/9/2014: From Brayden's Mom. Post #16. Thanks Everyone.

I've been praying for him and several other precious ones who are being 'challenged' with this disease. Thanking God throughout the day for each of them to be healed. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Me too Shimmie. Praying everyday and thanking God for their healing.

Please continue to update us.
Re: Encouraging Update 7/9/2014: From Brayden's Mom. Post #16. Thanks Everyone.

Me too @Shimmie. Praying everyday and thanking God for their healing.

Please continue to update us.

Noir, thank you so much. I'm hoping to hear something soon. I can only imagine how much stress this dear family is going through, yet they maintain their faith in Jesus.

God bless you for sharing your prayers. I mean this beyond words. :yep:
Hi ladies! Sorry for the delay. It's hard to search her feed right now because its her birthday. I did find these updates:


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Re: Encouraging Update 7/9/2014: From Brayden's Mom. Post #16. Thanks Everyone.

Hi ladies! Sorry for the delay. It's hard to search her feed right now because its her birthday. I did find these updates:

Thank you @Lovelylouboutin

Happy Birthday to SaMonna (Brayden's Mom). :love2:

Father God, thank you for watching over precious Brayden as his Mom and Dad take a rest as you restore their souls and reenergize them to pray and continue this journey of faith. Thank you for being who you are...the Lord God of all.

In Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
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Re: Little Brayden's July 12th Update -

I found this update in my email this morning:


by Family & Friends

The Watts/Claiborne family is truly blessed. Each of us are facing the greatest trial we could’ve ever imagined, yet in the midst we have peace. God is so faithful and true. As I reflect upon the last week all I can say is, “My God, what a week!” The testing and purifying of our faith is no joke.

This journey to healing is a process. I beg the Lord to heal Brayden completely and immediately each and every day. I ask and will continue to ask. However, I think God is telling me we have to endure a little while longer. There will be joy, victory, and utter happiness at the end of this journey but the journey is going to be difficult.

After the last week or so I’m simply tired of the struggle, because it is so tough!! Yet, I know when it is all said and done I wouldn’t change one thing. The spiritual pruning that is going on in our lives is priceless.

When you go through this type of experience your heart is drawn closer and closer to the heart of God. We are developing bonds that can never be broken. Though I’m in tears my love for God is indescribable and I know His love for me is so much greater.

Brayden made great progress this week.

We had a little set back last night when he had a little seizure. It was nothing in comparison to last Friday’s but it did cause set backs. Now he can’t swallow which means he can’t take his medicine eat or drink. Simply a set back.

Please add this to your prayer list.

God is faithful just like last time He will turn that around. He still can’t walk and the movement of his limbs is very limited. Like I said the road to recovery isn’t going to be easy but we are all cool with it. We hold fast to God’s promise and we move forward.

We are blessed to have a nurse assigned to us to come to the house and check on Brayden and provide assistance. God is so good, He sent us a believer. It just makes things easier. I’m always looking and sounding crazy when I tell medical staff that God is going to heal Brayden. LOL. This time the nurse stands with us in agreement. Amen.

Also, when I followed up with our dear doctor from Mexico, updating him on Brayden’s current condition I had to chuckle inside. I could hear the concern in his voice, so I told him several times not to worry, God is going to heal Brayden. His response, “I hear what you’re saying but I’m very, very, scared.” I literally laughed inside.

I love this doctor, he is one of the greatest people you will ever meet, yet no matter how many times I tell him God told me Brayden will be healed, it’s still hard for him to believe. So I can’t wait for the day when I can call them with our praise report. The day when we will all rejoice together.

In regard to treatment for Brayden we rely upon God, we do all we can do and follow His promptings. We believe He has led us to do several things which we do daily. Also, We anoint his body and pray over him, and continue to nourish His body.

We had two special anointings and we know God blesses our efforts. It’s an interesting feeling to be completely released from medical treatment. Now we solely rely upon the direction of the great physician. Which begs the question, “Whose report will I believe and which physician will I put my total trust in?” Man’s report says death, God’s says life.

I think this is a no brainer. I, we, trust You Lord!

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Re: Another Brayden Update for July 12th: Please see Post #24

Just saw this in your signature on the Christian Forum Shimmie. I am keeping Brayden in my prayers as well.
Re: Another Brayden Update for July 12th: Please see Post #24

Just saw this in your signature on the Christian Forum Shimmie. I am keeping Brayden in my prayers as well.

Stormy, thank you so much. :kiss:

God bless you and your loved ones.
Re: Another Brayden Update for July 15th:

7/15/2014 Update on Brayden: Please continue to pray :love3:

by Family & Friends

Let me first start off by saying, I’m so encouraged!!! God has truly blessed me with what I’ve come to consider my “extended family.” Friends, aquaintences, and folks I have never met have rallied themselves around my family to support us through this process.

For the past couple of days I’ve been in the pit. Monday was so hard for me, I was weak and worn down. My body actually felt numb and I was constantly on the verge of tears.

Late last night I go on facebook and I find nothing but messages of encouragement. Messages that were there prior to me posting about how I was feeling. You guys are family. We are all part of the family of God, but I really consider you family.

Only family could show the type of love and support you all have shown. When I was too weak to lift myself up you all prayed for my strength and God answered. Amen!!! My spirits were truly lifted today. Another day in the fight!

As I mentioned last time, Brayden had a mild seizure on Friday. These seizures knock him out and it’s very disheartening to see all the progress he made disappear in a matter of seconds. He was no longer able to eat, so all day Saturday, Sunday, and most of Monday he was unable to swallow. He’s already skin and bones and lost 7 lbs!!!! Dude needs nourishment to survive. That really bothered me.

To look at your son lay in the bed in a listless state, unable to talk, unable to move his limbs, and unable to eat is a serious burden. It hurts and I had to wrestle with God about the process. Brayden is going to be healed, that is not a question, but the road to healing is a painful one. I obviously want a microwave healing but God very well could be on that crock pot healing. He’s God, He knows what’s best.

Maybe there are more lessons to learn, more pruning needs to take place, God knows what we need so I don’t question Him. It makes me think of David. David was anointed King years before he actually became king. I’m sure he felt like we feel, wondering how long.

To make matters worse in his waiting period he was chased down like an animal by Saul. Like Brayden’s situation, that too had to suck! Yet, God in His wisdom was preparing David to be the greatest king Israel would ever have and I must believe He’s preparing our family for something as well.

In regard to Brayden’s progress, today is a new day. He is very alert and aware of us. He follows us with his eyes and though he can’t verbally respond it appears he is mentally back to where he was. His body is very limp and frail but now he can swallow so we can work on getting his strength up.

We give him liquids through a syringe and it takes him about 25 minutes to drink 8 oz of juice. That is a long time but if I have to sit by his bedside all day long so he can get nourishment, that is what I will do.

Believe it or not this is great improvement from yesterday so we are so thankful! His nurse came by today and was very pleased with his progress.

The enemy tried to sucka punch me yesterday, but today I’m back in the fight. He can’t win, He won’t win, He is defeated! Not because of any strength we possess but simply because the God of the universe is fighting our battle. Fight on Jesus, fight on!

BTW, based upon our last hospital visit Brayden should’ve been gone before the weekend. I guess God disagreed!!!!!

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Re: Little Brayden: New Update July 15, 2014 -- Please see Post #27

I have been following Brayden's mum Samonna on FB (and the site posted above) for the past few days. I'm so glad that she posted this update, because yesterday she posted that she was really struggling and in immense pain :( I have been in constant payer for God to comfort her (and the family) and to bless her with strength and courage.. and to heal and deliver Brayden. Amen.
Re: Little Brayden: New Update July 15, 2014 -- Please see Post #27

I have been following Brayden's mum Samonna on FB (and the site posted above) for the past few days. I'm so glad that she posted this update, because yesterday she posted that she was really struggling and in immense pain :( I have been in constant payer for God to comfort her (and the family) and to bless her with strength and courage.. and to heal and deliver Brayden. Amen.

Noir, thank you for your loving support. This is a darling family and how can anyone not fall in love with Little Brayden. :love3:

In Jesus' Name, Brayden is healed. Healed from the crown of his head to the very soles of his feet. New cells, new blood, new life, here on earth, giving God all the glory, in Jesus' Name, Amen and Amen.
Re: Little Brayden: New Update July 15, 2014 -- Please see Post #27

