Preachers of Detroit

So... Has anyone been watching?


I wasn't going to watch :nono: I saw your thread here and Healthy Hair sharing. Tonight I pulled it up on 'On Demand' ---Episode 101...

Momi ... :cry: These men met in a lounge and were smoking cigars. Why momi .. why?

I'm undone. Please tell me I was imagining this. Preachers? Really?

I didnt know Colletta and Gilbert Vaughn were on this show. I go way back with her. This man loves his wife. She's not this 'forceful' in real life. She's powerful in the Word but she was always gentle in person and she does honor her husband. I don't like how she is being presented on this show. It"s not how I know her. :nono:

These shows do not present the Truth. :nono: At least not as I know it.

Now I do want to know what's up with these men laid up smoking? They know better. :mad:
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Evangelist Dorinda is the best one on the show. She"s not showing off.
Yeah, I was thrown off by them meeting in the bar, that was not a good look.

Do they think that God has given them special privileges to sin? For surely, they are in sin and it's not a small one. In other words, they know better yet they purposely choose to smoke and drink and in a bar lounge.

They're idiots! :nono:

These reality shoes aren't designed to make people look good that's why I don't understand why any man or woman of God would want to be on one...they are just too carnal behaving for me...if a show is misrepresenting the real you, then you need not be on that show because you are participating in a lie.

Bishop "I'm not afraid of the call of God on my life", acts very controlling and like the ultimate feminist trying to convert everyone to her way of thinking.


I wasn't going to watch :nono: I saw your thread here and Healthy Hair sharing. Tonight I pulled it up on 'On Demand' ---Episode 101...

Momi ... :cry: These men met in a lounge and were smoking cigars. Why momi .. why?

I'm undone. Please tell me I was imagining this. Preachers? Really?

I didnt know Colletta and Gilbert Vaughn were on this show. I go way back with her. This man loves his wife. She's not this 'forceful' in real life. She's powerful in the Word but she was always gentle in person and she does honor her husband. I don't like how she is being presented on this show. It"s not how I know her. :nono:

These shows do not present the Truth. :nono: At least not as I know it.

Now I do want to know what's up with these men laid up smoking? They know better. :mad:
Ya'll make me want to watch this show but I don't plan to watch it..I'll just read this thread... lol

That Sis Dorinda is so stylish; I didn't realize she has a fashion line!

I like the bolded, because God says His Gifts and calling are irrevocable. Do you think she's making those declarations to control people??


Bishop "I'm not afraid of the call of God on my life", acts very controlling and like the ultimate feminist trying to convert everyone to her way of thinking.

I wasn't going to watch :nono: I saw your thread here and Healthy Hair sharing. Tonight I pulled it up on 'On Demand' ---Episode 101...

Momi ... :cry: These men met in a lounge and were smoking cigars. Why momi .. why?

I'm undone. Please tell me I was imagining this. Preachers? Really?

I didnt know Colletta and Gilbert Vaughn were on this show. I go way back with her. This man loves his wife. She's not this 'forceful' in real life. She's powerful in the Word but she was always gentle in person and she does honor her husband. I don't like how she is being presented on this show. It"s not how I know her. :nono:

These shows do not present the Truth. :nono: At least not as I know it.

Now I do want to know what's up with these men laid up smoking? They know better. :mad:

Hey Sis Shimmie :Rose:

You know that the networks do whatever they can to cause the most drama. I'm glad to hear that she is much more gentle in person. Although she does seem to be to pre-occupied with others opinion of her position.

Yes ma'am a cigar bar :blush: He also said as long as he has "the men" on his side he has no need for "the spirit".... I was wondering if he meant "The Holy Spirit"??? What? And unless I am mistaken he also alluded to sex outside of marriage being allowable??? Did you catch that?
Ya'll make me want to watch this show but I don't plan to watch it..I'll just read this thread... lol

That Sis Dorinda is so stylish; I didn't realize she has a fashion line!

I like the bolded, because God says His Gifts and calling are irrevocable. Do you think she's making those declarations to control people??

Isn't she though???
Hey Sis Shimmie :Rose:

You know that the networks do whatever they can to cause the most drama. I'm glad to hear that she is much more gentle in person. Although she does seem to be to pre-occupied with others opinion of her position.

Yes ma'am a cigar bar :blush: He also said as long as he has "the men" on his side he has no need for "the spirit".... I was wondering if he meant "The Holy Spirit"??? What? And unless I am mistaken he also alluded to sex outside of marriage being allowable??? Did you catch that?

Oh no, momi :nono: I didn't catch the 'sex' part. It's a good thing because all of you here would be reviving my clutched and shattered pearls. :thud:

Is he out of his mind?

Here we have people who are truly seeking to love and please God. They are seeking deliverance from divers vices (smoking, drinking, sexual sin, drugs, and so on) and these Idiots are making a mockery of their love for God and their desire to know and to please and obey Him.

As for Colletta, it's been a while since I've been around her (well over ten years...well over). So a lot has changed. What I saw is not good; it is very controlling and I do not see where the Holy Spirit is present in any of what she is saying / doing. This is not the person I knew back then. :nono:

My daughter was often with me during Colletta's visits to our Church and she was very gentle with my child. None of what is on this show.

momi, Iwanthealthyhair67, Laela, TrulyBlsd85 ...

I have to share this in her defense.

During the 1990's there was a LOT of mess going on in the Churches and by the men who were supposed to be Godly. When I say mess, I mean mess. She was called upon by so many women (of God) (i.e. Pastor's wives), to come and pray for their marriages because the men were literally running rampant with adultery, and whatever else they felt they could get away with. It wasn't good, I mean it, it was not good.

It was a 'spirit of lust / lasciviousness' that just would not leave and much of it was within the prosperity teachings. Ladies, I'm telling you that there is great difference between prosperity and blessings. One is man's greed and the other is God's Love being poured upon you.

Colletta was going from one Church to another in all areas of this country and she was ministering to these hurting wives. It would bring you to tears if I shared half of what these women were going through and would still come to Church each Sunday and put on a brave front.

Colletta was spending her time in prayer and fasting beyond what many others were doing. She was up at all hours in prayer / intercession because her heart was just so heavy and burdened by all of what she had witnessed and all that was being shared with her by these hurting women. In the women's seminars / prayer luncheons / all night prayer sessions, the number one thing she would minister to these women was to honor their husbands. And she wasn't teaching being a doormat :nono: She was simply teaching God's Word and helping these women to become strengthened in the Word and in themselves and in their marriages.

Something started happening; many marriages were saved but there were some others that did not survive. Too many of these men were haughty and strong willed / prideful and just too full of themselves; yet they still felt they could still sin and still preach in the pulpit. Two of these men that were warned prophetically would not repent; they would not submit to God and they died. They were fully and duly warned yet they chose not to yield to the Holy Spirit's cry for their repentance. It wasn't witchcraft that killed them, it was their own self-destruction.

I do not validate a controlling spirit and seeing Colletta in that episode is very suggestive that it is. But here's what I believe is going on. Colletta has seen and witnessed and has been called upon to help so many, many, MANY women who have been hurt, deserted and shamed by the men who were supposed to their Godly husbands, that she has somehow hit a wall where women have to be strengthened and to be able to take care of themselves, spirit, soul and body.

Colletta sees the mess these men in the pulpit are still involved in and have yet to do right by God and their wives and families. Her position as a Bishop, reminds me of Deborah when she was called to be a Judge. God couldn't rely on the men to do the job right.

I didn't mean to go on. I can't say that I agree with all that she is doing. I know that I don't, however her ministry to strengthen women isn't by accident. She's just wants to protect them. I've always known Colletta to have the heart of a 'mother' towards women; full of compassion when they hurt. She has always been a fire house in the pulpit; this lady can preach, yet away from the pulpit she was always a gentle spirit.

I'm praying for her. Wherever she is in error, I pray for God to bring her into His Holy balance. It's not an easy road that she's traveled especially carrying the burdens of so many others... "others" meaning the burdens of the men who were not doing what God has called them to do and to do right.
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So I watched the show...

Bullock is a fireball. His heart is in the right place but he's arrogant. Jesus showed that the purpose was the gospel, the saving of souls, but also attended to the physical needs of the people. Bullock can't be condescending to others even if there may be some show-offs. And he is way off in his opinions on fornication. I also was wondering if he meant the Holy Spirit when he made that statement about the men too.

I think Colletta is likely so used to resistance that she comes off a little harsh. But overall I agree with her. There was just something about hearing those girls talk about submission that made me sad. Wouldn't vote for a woman president? Its a man's church? It was sad.
Ya'll make me want to watch this show but I don't plan to watch it..I'll just read this thread... lol

That Sis Dorinda is so stylish; I didn't realize she has a fashion line!

I like the bolded, because God says His Gifts and calling are irrevocable. Do you think she's making those declarations to control people??

Thanks to @Shimmie for giving a closer look at Mrs. Coletta, to answer your question yes I think she is ...she's doing it without even realizing that she's doing it.

Many people both men and women start off 'right' and then something happens along the way...pride corrupts, the gate is still straight and the way is still narrow.

I'm hoping that she is being misrepresented, (she can redeem herself in other episodes) but the way she spoke to her husband was condescending, in my experience women in 'leadership' can get besides themselves and speak down to men, it's the I'm in charge here, God didn't call you he called me attitude.

I'll watch a few more epis before I throw in the towel.
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Thanks to @Shimmie for giving a closer look at Mrs. Coletta, to answer your question yes I think she is ...she's doing it without even realizing that she's doing it.

Many people both men and women start off 'right' and then something happens along the way...pride corrupts, the gate is still straight and the way is still narrow.

I'm hoping that she is being misrepresented, (she can redeem herself in other episodes) but the way she spoke to her husband was condescending, in my experience women in 'leadership' can get besides themselves and speak down to men, it's the I'm in charge here, God didn't call you he called me attitude.

I'll watch a few more epis before I throw in the towel.

There's so much more that may have triggered...

Coletta witnessed a lot of heartbreak. She saw so many Churches fall and her heart's cry was to build up the Churches and the Kingdom of God. The men who were supposed to be Godly leaders were messing up here and was spinning out of control so badly that it stunned those who truly could not believe that it was actually happening.

Coletta had to protect her own sanity. She held it together and did so most graciously. She truly did. Something hit which I know grieved deeply as well as it did others in the ministry. Coletta not only had to see a dear friend and sister in the Lord go through a divorce, but later this dear person passed away. It was Paster Carolyn Harrell. Everyone loved this woman of God and truly she was. But her husband put her through hell with his sins of adultery with women in their church (he was out of control) and yet Pastor Carolyn remained faithful through it all. The divorce and Church split was beyond stressful.

Much later, she became ill and passed away. This was one of Coletta's true sisters in Jesus. And I would not be surprised if this was one of the fires that lit in her soul to guard, strengthen and to protect the women in ministry. The stress that women in the ministry have endured is unbelievable... :nono:

Coletta was always 'there' for each one as much as she could. Always faithful.
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There's an episode on right now. It mentions Bishop Coletta Vaughn joins the inner circle of ladies. The episode title is: "One Step Forward, Two Steps Back"/ episode 3.

Why are these men so offended being called out on their bentleys... they are not getting the true picture of Jesus.

They need to remember 'Jesus Walked'.
Pastor Gilbert just said something that took me back...way back.


I remember those trips that my [then] Pastors along with so many others [Coletta] included...

The entire dynamic of the Church just changed. It just changed...
This situation with Colletta and her husband is the reason why I'm not on the feminism train. Feminism has turned men into weak, poor leaders. They either allow their wife to run all over them or they just become lazy. It's innate for a man to take on leadership roles. Nowadays, women would rather keel over than allow their husband to run the household or them.

I think there's a fine line between women's independence and full blown feminism. No I will not let man who is not my husband tell me what to do or how to do it. In my singleness, I only answer to The Lord. However, when I do become married, I will submit to the leadership of my husband. Since I know he is being led by The Lord in all his decision making, I know I can trust him. Submitting is not being a doormat, it's about allowing the man to be a leader.

Genesis already told us ladies that we will try to control our husband but he will rule over us. I think that scripture is so powerful. There are marriages crumbling as I speak because the wife is trying to rule over the husband. That was never in God's plan.

I could rant all day about how feminism has done us a disservice as it pertains to marriage but I'll stop :lol:
This situation with Colletta and her husband is the reason why I'm not on the feminism train. Feminism has turned men into weak, poor leaders. They either allow their wife to run all over them or they just become lazy. It's innate for a man to take on leadership roles. Nowadays, women would rather keel over than allow their husband to run the household or them.

I think there's a fine line between women's independence and full blown feminism. No I will not let man who is not my husband tell me what to do or how to do it. In my singleness, I only answer to The Lord. However, when I do become married, I will submit to the leadership of my husband. Since I know he is being led by The Lord in all his decision making, I know I can trust him. Submitting is not being a doormat, it's about allowing the man to be a leader.

Genesis already told us ladies that we will try to control our husband but he will rule over us. I think that scripture is so powerful. There are marriages crumbling as I speak because the wife is trying to rule over the husband. That was never in God's plan.

I could rant all day about how feminism has done us a disservice as it pertains to marriage but I'll stop :lol:


I absolutely LOVE your post above. It truly made me smile and laugh inside and out.

Now, this doesn't mean that I don't take what you have shared seriously, I do. :yep: You're right about feminism. It's reared it's ugly head in ways that have done more damage in so many ways than good for women.

I prefer the 'freedom' that we have in Jesus which has true liberty and true equality. In Marriage, God has ordained that the husband not discredit his wife , but to love and to cherish her; to forsake 'all others' and cleave unto her; allowing no one to put them asunder.

In truth, God has indeed elevated the woman above man and all there is about her. By the man having leadership, this means the responsibilities of securing her and loving her, taking care of her, he has been made accountable by God to follow through and without falling back.

What I never understood is why so few actually 'see' this in God's Word. As women, we were secured and honored above men all along.

In the corporate realm, I believe in equal pay; equal benefits and respect and all of the perks that go with it, indeed.

What I reject is abortion, homosexuality, emasculating men, the 'butch women' who storm and stomp as if they own the world...women who curse, drink, smoke and drug, as well as the other mess that is under the feminism 'brella'.

Ahhhhhhh, I'll stop... I'm ranting too. :lol::lol::lol:
Amen! And destroy the church!!!!!!

This situation with Colletta and her husband is the reason why I'm not on the feminism train. Feminism has turned men into weak, poor leaders. They either allow their wife to run all over them or they just become lazy. It's innate for a man to take on leadership roles. Nowadays, women would rather keel over than allow their husband to run the household or them.

I think there's a fine line between women's independence and full blown feminism. No I will not let man who is not my husband tell me what to do or how to do it. In my singleness, I only answer to The Lord. However, when I do become married, I will submit to the leadership of my husband. Since I know he is being led by The Lord in all his decision making, I know I can trust him. Submitting is not being a doormat, it's about allowing the man to be a leader.

Genesis already told us ladies that we will try to control our husband but he will rule over us. I think that scripture is so powerful. There are marriages crumbling as I speak because the wife is trying to rule over the husband. That was never in God's plan.

I could rant all day about how feminism has done us a disservice as it pertains to marriage but I'll stop
I watched it, any they have some serious problems that need to be ironed out...he told Dorinda's husband that he questioned in the early weeks (cant remember the number)whether he made the right decision to marry her. It seems like she was controlling from early on and now she wants some changes made in the relationship, the way she talked about him at the dinner as if he wasn't there was wrong, and he is equally wrong for not letting her know what is bothering him, he runs away from the to NC the least opportunity he gets, that's not good.

This is both their second marriages, shouldn't Bishops be the husband of one wife (and vice versa) unless her first husband has passed...
Shimmie you said everything I was trying to convey much better! I'm all for women being treated fairly. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect. I'm gonna stop here because I was going to get started again :lol:
Shimmie, not sure my question was really answered..those are individual cases and it seems the loss of focus applied to those preachers/churches, not the Church as a whole.

God's Word dictates that we go to Him in prayer when seeking Direction toward any ministry(ies), so if these preachers got 'caught up' in Africa at the cost of their own ministries, can't blame Africa :lol: With God's supreme direction, no one can fail - if that's what He called them to do and they do it. Disobedience can lead to 'failure' as God won't interefere with our free will. But He will steer... ask Jonah. lol

But I digress.. I don't want to detract from the discussion of the TV show in this thread. I always appreciate your patience and grace when I ask question.. Love you for that!

Hi Laela. I had to get to my laptop. I've been responding via my phone and it truly limits my typing.

First of all... Nothing is wrong with Africa nor African ministries. I apologize to you and anyone else to whom it may have appeared that way.

Second: In addition, I wasn't referring to the Church as a whole. :nono: It was all related to what was said on the show.

When Colletta's husband mentioned Africa on the show and what had happened with him, it triggered a lot of memories of what went on back then. I knew exactly what Gilbert was talking about. "We" (meaning our entire Church and other congregations outside of) were there in the midst of it.

There was nothing wrong with the Minister himself. He had a powerful gift and it 'pulled' in a lot of Churches and Pastors from all over this country (mainly Black Churches). I can remember how several white churches became resentful because they had less invites; they were no longer the center of attention; and it was a Black Minister whom God was using instead of them.

However, several of the Pastors who were following the minister from Africa, became caught up with the fact that they were associated with him. They became prideful and also competitive. That is what changed the dynamic of so many of the Churches who were associated with this 'wave' from Africa.

On the show, it was Gilbert who reminded me of this when he mentioned how he didn't exist while he was in Africa, that Colletta completely ignored him while they were there. Listening to Gilbert, I remembered why it happened; folks became so caught up with this particular ministry from Africa that nothing else seemed to exist.

I'm still leaving a lot out -- however it will derail the thread. I just wanted to make sure that it is understood that Africa is not being 'stoned' nor it's ministers; nor is this regarding the Church as a whole. It is an isolated recollection triggered by Gilbert's comments on the show.

I hope this clears up the misunderstanding. I'll still send you the wedding pictures and the engagement celebration (to your home email). Nigerian weddings are absolutely beautiful; they take marriage far more seriously than this messy United States; and most of all, they love God. :yep:
Shimmie, thanks for the post! I get it. Yes, would love to see the wedding pix..I just love those weddings :yep:

Stay true!
I'm not very religious, but I really enjoy the show and the issues being discussed. I love Corletta. It hurts my heart so much to see the other women who have allowed for subversive definitions of submission to dictate their lives. Some of these women can say repeatedly that they are content with being behind their men, but it's clear these are things they tell themselves to rationalize their choices.

Women should not being looking for a husband to be the center of her life and joy. There is a difference between submission and stunting your growth as a woman and human for the sake of your husband.

I think Corletta's husband feels/has felt resentment for his wife being a bishop, but in the same voice Corletta would be an incredibly miserable person, living her life like some of these other women.
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