Pre Shampoo Conditioner


New Member
Can someone pls. tell me what is the purpose of doing a preshampoo treatment with a regular conditioner (as opposed to using a hot oil... I understand the purpose of that..., I think...

I mean, if you're putting conditioner in first, then shampooing it out, then conditioning again... what is the purpose of using that first conditioner??? Is it mainly just to use stuff up?? (Which I totally understand, cuz I'm gettin sick of seeing unused conditioners sitting in my closet!!
I am natural and I wear my hair in twists. Before I do a through wash I untwist my hair. At this point a comb can not pass through my hair. I combine hot oil and conditioner and wear a plastic cap. By doing this, my hair gets a pre-shampoo conditioning and my hair becomes untangled. Now I can properly wash my hair with shampoo.

Wow sbg4evr, I have never thought of doing this for the purpose of detangling. I just did hot oil treatments because I thought the shamppo would be less harsh on my hair if used after an oil. How long do you do the hot oil/conditioner treatment before you shampoo? Also before you shampoo, do you try to comb with a wide-toothed comb or do you just shampoo?

I do it because I read somewher that the force of the water (from a shower head) can split very weak hair strands. So I cover the ends (or the whole head if I have lots of new growth) wait a 1/2 hour and then shampoo. It also helps me get rid of the conditioners that I try and don't like.
TA, it all depends on how much time I have. I try to keep my conditioner/oil combo on for at least 1 hour or 2. Optimally overnight. As I wash it out, I comb with a wide tooth comb from the ends up. it is easier to shampoo and massage scalp without having my fingers stuck in tangled hair. If I just shampoo without combing first, I get knots at the ends of my hair and that is a great drama.

Hot oil treatments were ok when I had a relaxer eons ago. Try conditioner mixed with oil and you will love it. I even use the same combo after shampoo but more concentration on the conditioner. My hair loves it.

It's just extra conditioning. I mean I think I had a similar question which I was thinking about after I read something in an Allure magazine and it wasn't the most recent issue on hair which is great. This stylist recommended that when you do a deep conditioning to follow with a regular conditioner. I was like: "Again?". But, I thought about it and it wasn't so absurd in view of what I found with double-conditioning my ends if they seem too dry for my taste. My boyfriend was like well, why don't you just put the two conditioners on at the same time...hehehe. I was like "no, I have to rinse one out before putting on the other." I know it sounds nuts, but it works for me, so be it:)

Much love to you,
