Pre-Relaxing: Straighten the New Growth or Show it off?


Well-Known Member
I tried to do a search thread on this and there were too many posts with those words in it so sorry if this has been asked already.
Ok so i am getting my phyto touch up on saturday after 11 weeks of stretching and ALOT of new growth. Should i straighten it out so that the stylist doesnt snap my hair off trying to get the relaxer through the new growth OR should i leave it as is so that she doesnt overlap?

Any thoughts? Thanks!
I don't think putting chemical on it soon after using heat would be a good idea. You could try to thoroughly try to detangle your hair before you go.
I think you should NOT straighten it. Doing so can make it harder to determine the line of demarcation, making overlap more likely.
Thanks ladies.

Balisi, Im going to be calling you to get my rollerset and TLC on any damage that the evil stylists may inflict.

Anyone else?