Pre/Post Gym Q&A


Instagram: adaybyjay
1. Do you apply anything (moisturizer, leave in, etc) before working out?
2. How do you wear your hair?
3. Do you tie up hair? If so, with what (satin, silk, cotton cloth, etc)?

1. What's your process (prods you apply)?
2. How do you wear your hair?
1. Do you apply anything (moisturizer, leave in, etc) before working out? I don't apply anything to my hair when working out unless I'm swimming. When I swim I coat my hair in a serum to help keep the chlorine out of my hair.

2. How do you wear your hair? In a high bun.

3. Do you tie up hair? If so, with what (satin, silk, cotton cloth, etc)? Certain exercises require me to get on the floor, so I tie a silk scarf around my head. If I'm doing something that has no floorwork then I just fold the silk scarf into a "headband" and tie it around my roots to keep my roots flat.

1. What's your process (prods you apply)? I work out 4x a week, but I don't wash/rinse my hair after every workout.

During the warm months when I swim 2x a week, I wash 1x with Elucence Moisture Acidifying Shampoo to chelate and remove the chlorine, 1x with Hair One (Olive Oil) to restore a bit more of the moisture. Then apply Tresemme Naturals conditioner, put a shower cap on and a scarf and drive home which takes me about 30 minutes (I consider this my mini DC). Apply my leave-ins and then airdry/bun or do a braidout/twist out.

During the cooler months when I don't swim, I DC and co-wash midweek. I apply Tresemme Naturals conditioner, put on a shower cap and work out for about 45 mins to an hr which steams my hair really well. Then I rinse in the shower, apply my leave-ins and then airdry/bun or do a braidout/twist out.

2. How do you wear your hair? Usually buns, braidouts/twistouts or flexirod sets.
1. Do you apply anything (moisturizer, leave in, etc) before working out? No
2. How do you wear your hair? Up off of my neck loosely but secured enough to stay. It lets my scalp breathe and dry faster.
3. Do you tie up hair? If so, with what (satin, silk, cotton cloth, etc)? I use a headband on occasion. Or a dorag if I'm working out at home.

1. What's your process (prods you apply)? Depends on how sweaty I am. If I really sweat, then I'll cowash. If not, I'll leave my hair tied until it dries then moisturize and seal.
2. How do you wear your hair? If I washed, I'll just style however I feel like I would on a wash day. If I didn't wash, I usually wear a protective style of some sort.