Pre pood with my Ayervedic conditioner and...


Now my hair is too soft to hold my flat twists.:ohwell: I had no idea it would react like this. My 17 week post hair almost felt and acted like it was freshly relaxed.:drunk: I mixed shikakai and Brahmi powder to my organix coconut condtioner, added honey, and msm powder. I think I have my regimen set for my transition. Pre poo and wash every 2 weeks during the winter. I will be using my flat twists to grow out my relaxer. If this continues to work this good, I can transition longer than I thought I could. I also hit a personal milestone. I am now able to flat twist.:love: This is the longest I ever transitioned fro at 17 weeks and going strong. I have to thank all the ladies here that have continued to help me through thick and thin!;) I hope to update my fotki by the week end!:yep:
I have my dc with my Ayuverdic powders mixed in, in my hair as we speak!! I have only been using them about 3wks. & so far so good. I love the way my hair feels:yep: I LOVE AYURVEDA
Congratulations on learning how to flat twist!! I know that was an important goal of yours. I need to learn how to as well.

Good luck on your transition.
Now my hair is too soft to hold my flat twists.:ohwell: I had no idea it would react like this. My 17 week post hair almost felt and acted like it was freshly relaxed.:drunk: I mixed shikakai and Brahmi powder to my organix coconut condtioner, added honey, and msm powder. I think I have my regimen set for my transition. Pre poo and wash every 2 weeks during the winter. I will be using my flat twists to grow out my relaxer. If this continues to work this good, I can transition longer than I thought I could. I also hit a personal milestone. I am now able to flat twist.:love: This is the longest I ever transitioned fro at 17 weeks and going strong. I have to thank all the ladies here that have continued to help me through thick and thin!;) I hope to update my fotki by the week end!:yep:

I'm about to go try this mix right now...being the pj I am, I already have everything :laugh:
I also hit a personal milestone. I am now able to flat twist.:love: This is the longest I ever transitioned fro at 17 weeks and going strong. :yep:

Congrats on finding YOUR groove with your hair; :yay: I celebrate your personal milestone with you!
It takes a while sometimes to find the right regimen... now you can just LET IT GROW!!
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I just rinsed and that was exactly what I needed :) my hair/scalp feels so refreshed, soft, moist! I just sealed w/Vatika oil and threw it in two braids and I'll bun it up in the morning. Thanks DD!! ;)
YAY! I am glad that you have made it to 17 weeks! I have yet to try the Brahmi powder. I haven't been able to find it locally, and I really don't want to pay 7 bucks on shipping for a product that only costs 2 bucks.
YAY! I am glad that you have made it to 17 weeks! I have yet to try the Brahmi powder. I haven't been able to find it locally, and I really don't want to pay 7 bucks on shipping for a product that only costs 2 bucks.

You should definitely try to get your hands on some. I think it's my favorite one :yep:.
You should definitely try to get your hands on some. I think it's my favorite one :yep:.

Where are you guys getting your powders? I've been holding off on using the shikakai and amla powders I have because I wanted to mix them with brahmi and bringraj (sp). I want the right mix before I jump off into the deep end.

Where are you guys getting your powders? I've been holding off on using the shikakai and amla powders I have because I wanted to mix them with brahmi and bringraj (sp). I want the right mix before I jump off into the deep end.


When I don't find any here or on e-bay, I go to Sometimes my Indian grocer will have it, but I can't always count on it.
Yep, I got mine from Amazon.Com. Hell, I asked for one box of my shikakai and brami powder but got 2.:lachen: I love Amazon!
Where are you guys getting your powders? I've been holding off on using the shikakai and amla powders I have because I wanted to mix them with brahmi and bringraj (sp). I want the right mix before I jump off into the deep end.

I ordered mine from tthis ebay store I called the # with the 516 area code & spoke to a guy named Joe, he was very nice & my order was at my house in 2 days!!!