Pre LHCF hair **PICS**

Fine 4s

Well-Known Member
Disclaimer: I have no idea how to do this picture stuff so forgive me. It's better than nothing right?

One is beach hair with no producs about 8 mos into my hair care. The other is either in 2004 or 2005 when I was going to the DR salon. Sorry this one was too big to upload. Any ideas?

I'll probably have some pics this summer 2008 just like the beach one to make a comparison.

and Yes, they'll be closer/bigger.
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Great idea!!! I should have done this in the beginning but I was too ashamed to show my pre lhcf hair that was damaged now my pre-pre lhcf hair before the hair disaster was the bomb and would probably be mid back by now. Oh well anywho...CAN'T WAIT TO SEE THE COMPARISON PICTURES! :grin:
bump bumpin' bumping

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OT but Wow fnggrant ur hair is growing sooooooo fast...did u ever get to the root of ur breakage in the nape area?

Yes, It was my stinking scarf after all. :wallbash: Its longer on top of where it criss crossed in the back. I finally realized this yesterday!! (rolling eyes at self)
Yes, It was my stinking scarf after all. :wallbash: Its longer on top of where it criss crossed in the back. I finally realized this yesterday!! (rolling eyes at self)

i cant pic this but Good thing u figured out the root of ur do u tie ur scarf now?