Praying on Your Knees


Well-Known Member
Last night as I was putting my daughter to bed, she asked me to pray on my knees with her. She always say "The Lord's Prayer" and pray for blessings and so forth after that. I was raised to pray on my knees before going to bed. Now that I am all grown up, :yep: I am lazy and say my prayers in bed. I admit that sometimes I am so exhausted that I may fall asleep during my prayer. I keep telling myself that I am going to do better and get on my knees like I was taught before going to bed at night. Is it wrong to pray laying down? My grandmother said that if you're not sick, then you should be on your knees. :perplexed

Is anyone else experiencing this? I am going to make an effort to get on my knees to pray tonight. :yep:
I went through the same thing a couple of months ago. I felt that as long as I was praying it shouldn't matter but now I know the Lord deserves more respect and effort than that. I think that praying should be done on your knees.

I do think that you should not let anything keep you from praying when you remember to do so whether you have to do it lying down, sitting, standing or what have you. I pray even after I've done something I shouldn't have done. Although I don't pray a prayer of forgiveness when this is the case I do pray a prayer of praise.
I'm embarrassed to say how long I've been going through this. I used to pray on my knees all the time, no questions asked. No matter how tired I was I would get on my knees and pray. In fact, one of my prayers used to be that my husband would pray on his knees. Now he prays on his knees and I don't. It's funny how easy it is to fall into bad habits. It started when I was pregnant. I was too tired to kneel and pray, so I would pray in the bed. Then I would be so tired that I would fall asleep praying. Then it got to a point where some nights I was saying a half-hearted prayer. Lately, I've been praying on on my knees, but I'm in the bed. I think it varies from person to person, but for me, I feel in my heart that God wants me to show Him more reverence and to do that I need to be on my knees and out of bed. I don't need to be so comfortable that I fall asleep.
I love you ladies so much...I wonder things then come in here the next day and there's a thread about it! That's such a blessing!

I'm having issues with this too. I often say prayers while lying down but I often wonder if it's unpleasing to God. I know that he hears me either way but I think that kneeling is the greatest way to demonstrate submission.
I was always taught that I should be "laying prostrate" before the king when I pray...but often I dont and do as others said, pray in bed.... I know sometimes it isnt practical...sometimes I will just stop in place and pray where I am when I feel the need... but I think this thread serves, at least to me, that I need to go back to getting on my knees... if anything to show a concerted effort... God knows my heart but he also knows my abilities and I have to stop selling him short because of laziness
Thank you Andreaetta for starting this thread and thank you ladies for your thoughts!

I believe that you don't need to always pray on your knees. Sometimes being on your knees is not practical (ie: you're in your car; you're in an office with a whole bunch of people and just want to say a quick word to the Lord.)

However, I believe that God is so worthy that I am personally making an effort to bow down during my prayer time when there is opportunity.
Not really an answer ..just my experience....

The Bible says pray without ceasing and I believe that to mean to be a constant state of always being prayerful....of always thinking of the
Lord in EVERY circumstance.... no matter where I am ..and even when I think I am technically not praying..the Lord hears me and answers me anyway..before I even knew to formulate the thought,let alone the words, I'd already received the answer...So prayers in bed are natural as prayers out of many times have I woken up... to pray it out..while in bed and gone back to sleep or even prayed in my dreams? I do not think it is laziness..for me sometimes sheer exhaustion.

Jesus got on His knees before a reminder for me that dropping to my knees in gratitude for an unexpected answer,as well as laying down the day before God on my knees before going to bed is opening a sacred place to conciously humble before God. It dos not mean I think,that prayers in bed are wrong..but because I want to be closer...setting aside space..on my part of that?

However, I believe that God is so worthy that I am personally making an effort to bow down during my prayer time when there is opportunity
I am going to make an effort to get on my knees to pray tonight. :yep:

Co-signing on BOth quotes Big Time. Me too and thank you for this wonderful thread
I just wanted to add to this. I agree with the pray without ceasing as well and that means, standing up, sitting down, layed out, shopping, driving, etc....

I also believe, though, that getting on your knees or laying face down or arm stretched upwards demonstrates respect or you coming humbly before the Lord.

I struggle with the latter though, simply because of laziness which is no excuse.

I'm also reading the book by Joyce Meyer, The Power of Simple to talk to God about everything to help me with my prayer life and in it, she talks about the many ways to pray including those things we were taught as children that my hinder us from praying constantly because of certain protocol we feel we have to follow.
I pray everywhere. I know I should pray on my knees and prostrate too but I haven't in a while. I think it's good to pray on your knees sometimes as a sign of humility and to remember that although we know Him as Father, He IS the King, there are times when He should be approached as such. As far as praying prostrate, when you have those OMG what am I going to do prayers, I think you do it automatically:grin:
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I've been convicted by this thread. I, too, grew lazy about praying on my knees and went from doing it to laying in bed and passing out during prayer or just saying a quick one before I felt asleep. God is worthy of being bowed down before and I will do that as long as I am physically able and the time and place allows.
Most of the time I start praying while on my knees and then get in the bed to finish my prayers. I'm going to make more of an effort not to do this.
Thank you ladies for all of the supportive comments! I am going to get on my knees tonight for prayer.
My grandmother was in her 70's and prayed her nighttime prayers before bed every night. I have no valid excuse:nono:
I did last night,thanks to this thread and God willing every night, one night at a addition to other times on my knees