Prayers that sustain me


New Member
Do you have a special prayer that you pray for yourself to keep you holy and in the will of God? I have a prayer that I prayed when I first became born again that has kept me from returning to the world and all of it's ungodliness. I especially pray that I'm never deceived by anyone INCLUDING myself and the Lord has kept me from doing things that appeared harmless and has corrected me when I have not heard and done them. It's grown over the years but is basically the same prayer. Please post yours.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Lord I thank you and I bless your Holy name,
Only You are God, only You are wise,
I am Your witness Lord to this very fact: You are the only True and Wise and Livng God,
There is no other God like you, there are no other gods besides you,
All other gods are false gods, they have ears that can not hear prayers, eyes that can not see tears of joy or sorrow and arms that can not deliver,
Lord I want to thank you for all you've done, are doing and will do in my life,
Lord I pray that in all thing Your will will be done in my life,
I pray that I will never be deceived especially not to deceive my self but in all of my choices I pray I make them whether right or wrong with full knowledge of Your Truth,
I want to thank you for giving the ultimate sacrifice, Your only begotten Son, My Lord Jesus the Christ,
Lord Jesus I want to live my life in holiness aand purity because of your great sacrifice, your life that you gave for me and your resurrection whereby you have spiritually raised me and will physically raise me from the dead,
Lord Jesus, I also want to thank you for not leaving me without comfort in my times of need but have sent the ultimate Comforter the Lord God the Holy Spirit,
Holy Spirit,God I thank you and pray: Always lead me and guide me into Your Truth, not my own truth or the false truth of the world but the only Truth which is of God.
May I hate and despise sin but love the sinner, may I walk in the newness of life, may I always seek first You and your righteousness not my own righteousness that I have established but the righteousness of Jesus according to your word,
In Jesus' name I pray
This is not necessarily a prayer but I LOVE it and it helps me to correct MY wrongs

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

11 Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.

12 Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

13 Then will I teach transgressors thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto thee