Prayers needed


Wealth magnet
It's been confirmed by doctors that I have breast cancer stage 3. I really need your prayers. I don't have insurance and hospital card I have barely covers what I need because to "them" I make to much money. Yeah right I work part time.
Please pray for me.

I'm so sorry you are going through this. I will keep you in my prayers. A close friend is a survivor of stage 3 bc. Will pray for your strength and healing.
Dear Father in the Name of Jesus... touch your precious daughter with your loving warmth and healing power.

Keep her heart at peace and heal all that is within and about her. This is not a sickness that will take her life but you alone with provide for her fully and she shall live among the living giving all glory in this earth unto you.

In Jesus' Name, we pray and thank you with bowed hearts of reverence.

Amen and Amen
Dear Father God, we lift blqlady in our prayers and stand in agreement for the healing of her body. You have shown time and time again that man does not have the final say. You are a healer, a way maker, and are able to defy all odds. I pray that you provide her with peace that surpasses all understanding. I pray that you meet all of her needs, despite the obstacle her health care providers have put in her way. I pray these things in Jesus' name, Amen :)
Praying for you, Sis!

Thank you Lord for the miracle that you are going to perform on our Sister's behalf!
Please try the healthcare marketplace and your local county assistance office. They can tell you if you qualify for another insurance that would better meet your needs. First thing this morning, you came to my mind.
Definitely will pray for you. Don't entertain any thoughts from the enemy, cast them down. If you have to do it every five minutes, so be it, but refute every word of doubt or fear with the word of God.
Dr. Rachel was on a radio show recently and this made me think of something. Visit The Doctors website. They may have some information that may be of value to you... send them a message. They have helped a few people.

Please Google Suzanne Somers health when you have a moment.
Please call American Cancer SocietyT (24hrs/7wk):1-800-227-2345. Have your insurance card . The link to the form is here:
You probably qualify for several programs. Ask your pastor about a social worker in your community. If you know a nurse or who attends your church, ask that person. Your most likely know a breast cancer survivor. If so, ask that person. PM me. If you tell me where you live, I may be able to assist by finding assistance in your community.
Praying for you! There are effective, lower cost, natural routes you can take. Sending healing.