Prayers Needed


The Credit Countess
Please don't quote, this won't be around for long:

Please keep me in prayer. Many don't understand that even Minister's have down points and give up moments.

Yesterday and today has been hard for me. So much going on. I have to preach Good Friday service tomorrow and all I can think is how am I suppose to preach when I don't have it in me.

I'm missing my dad, having Financial problems and just seem like everything I touch fails. I know the word of God and I know I should be praying but I just can't right now.

I'm struggling financially bad and have no one to help. I'm just at my end's rope and need pray. I even thought of starting a Go Fund to get me out of this situation but I wouldn't feel right asking strangers for money. I know that my God can do anything but fail, but it seems like I've been waiting on Him for years and things just get's worse not better.

I'm at the end and can't keep going on like this. Please send up a quick prayer for me.

Thank you
Ministry can be terribly difficult...especially when we are expected to pour out to others when we feel so empty.

I can tell you this sis, God knows the plans that he has for you and they are plans to prosper you and to give you a hope and a future (Jeremiah). It may look bleak now but just know that God is still in control. Your prayers have not gone unheard nor your situation unnoticed. He is working behind the scenes on your behalf and will manifest his good pleasure on your behalf in his own timing. It is what He has promised us! Count it all joy when you go through fiery trials knowing that it is the testing and PERFECTING of your faith. You will come out of this storm! You WILL minister on tomorrow! You WILL pull on the power of the Holy Spirit that is within you and know that you will bear this cross the same way our savior did 2000 years ago. Minister from that place of pain knowing that God has something inside of you that you MUST get out to someone else. Just as Jesus worked through the pain to fulfill the purpose SO WILL YOU! His strength is made perfect in your weakness sis!

Be encouraged and know that our prayers are going up to the father on your behalf in Jesus' name!
I'm sorry you're feeling this way. Yes everyone goes through hard times, even ministers, but I will just encourage you to have faith that you are going through this now so it will be a beautiful testimony to others later.

The Lord has already blessed you, and once you see the manifestation of all that you needed and more than you asked for, you real remember this moment and be in awe of how amazing your holy father is. Just felt the need to say that.
I will be praying for you. I am a nurse and know very well of feeling emotionally exhausted and pushing through so I can care for others.

GodsPromises, remember you dwell in the shelter of the Most High
will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.
Remember to say to yourself, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
my God, in whom I trust.”
The Lord is faithful. He has been with you through your past experiences and He is with you now and will be with you tomorrow as you teach and encourage others.