Prayers for my little boy


Active Member
Hello Ladies

Can I ask for your prayers for my little boy who is just over two years old. The thing is, he doesn't eat much at all. Bear with me here.

Up until he was about 20 months old he was fine with food - and then he just didn't want it anymore. All he eat's now are biscuits - period. His main source of nourishment comes from his drinks (milk, juices, smoothies) plus I give him tonic and Cod liver oil to ensure he gets his vits. I have tried not giving him biscuits and presenting other finger foods instead (whilst limiting the fluid intake) - and do you know what? he wouldn't eat those and preferred to starve for three days (bar the fluids).
I seriously suspect that he has a fear of food - if a bit of biscuit goes down the wrong way, he cries and cries in panic until I remove the offending piece from his mouth and then he is clingy for a while afterward.

It breaks my heart to see him like this - I have committed it into the Lord's hands, fasted and prayed. But I ask for your to lift him up in prayer also - that the Lord would bring back his appetite - so that he can grow strong.

Thank you ladies, God bless you all,



p.s He is fine otherwise; full of energy (from what I don't know:ohwell:) tall for his age and a very alert little boy. Speech etc developping fine. Thank you.:kiss:
michc said:
Hello Ladies

Can I ask for your prayers for my little boy who is just over two years old. The thing is, he doesn't eat much at all. Bear with me here.

Up until he was about 20 months old he was fine with food - and then he just didn't want it anymore. All he eat's now are biscuits - period. His main source of nourishment comes from his drinks (milk, juices, smoothies) plus I give him tonic and Cod liver oil to ensure he gets his vits. I have tried not giving him biscuits and presenting other finger foods instead (whilst limiting the fluid intake) - and do you know what? he wouldn't eat those and preferred to starve for three days (bar the fluids).
I seriously suspect that he has a fear of food - if a bit of biscuit goes down the wrong way, he cries and cries in panic until I remove the offending piece from his mouth and then he is clingy for a while afterward.

It breaks my heart to see him like this - I have committed it into the Lord's hands, fasted and prayed. But I ask for your to lift him up in prayer also - that the Lord would bring back his appetite - so that he can grow strong.

Thank you ladies, God bless you all,



p.s He is fine otherwise; full of energy (from what I don't know:ohwell:) tall for his age and a very alert little boy. Speech etc developping fine. Thank you.:kiss:

Yes, I most certainly will pray for your son. Don't worry. He will be fine. :)

I have two boys, ages 12 and 14. When my first born son was a baby, he wouldn't eat much either. He wasn't like your son is with just crackers, but he really had no appetite. I finally took him to my doctor and told him what was going on. My mother wanted to give him all kinds of medications to make him eat.

The doctor told me not to worry about it. He told me that at some point as he got older, it would be difficult to keep him out of the refrigerator. Of course, I smiled politely and thought to myself, "that will be the day!":ohwell:

Well, the day came. In a big way. He's become a very big eater. My grocery bills can attest to that! :lol:

Be at peace and turn it over to God, just as you said. :kiss:
I agree with Pebbles for the most part and encourage you and everyone else to pray and believe this too shall pass. :) However, I am a medical physician (MD), and as such, I would have violated my Hippocratic oath if I did not tell you to still consult a pediatrician, if you have not already. It is quite possible that your son is just picky like many children, but you should always rule out organic causes. It is important to realize that your son is at an age where his central nervous system is still in critical stages of development and thus his nutrition should be optimal. Thus, I would advocate doing what Pebbles did and at least have someone with medical training alleviate your fears once and for all. That person can take a full history, perform lab tests, and perform a physical exam to see if your child is still thriving. But, throughout this, pray without ceasing (I admit God performs miracles and I just perform science :lol: He trumps me anyday!) and I am sure he will be fine!

pebbles said:
Yes, I most certainly will pray for your son. Don't worry. He will be fine. :)

I have two boys, ages 12 and 14. When my first born son was a baby, he wouldn't eat much either. He wasn't like your son is with just crackers, but he really had no appetite. I finally took him to my doctor and told him what was going on. My mother wanted to give him all kinds of medications to make him eat.

The doctor told me not to worry about it. He told me that at some point as he got older, it would be difficult to keep him out of the refrigerator. Of course, I smiled politely and thought to myself, "that will be the day!":ohwell:

Well, the day came. In a big way. He's become a very big eater. My grocery bills can attest to that! :lol:

Be at peace and turn it over to God, just as you said. :kiss:
I praying all the way for our baby. Please take some blessed oil an anoint him all over in Jesus name especailly his stomach. If there is something that enmey is trying put on him we bind that spirit in the name of Jesus. If you are fasting and praying continue to do that even when you see an improvment for fasting and praying is weapon or tool of preventive maintenance. I know the angels is watching over him and other ladies are probaly correct that this will change so don't worry and we claim the victory for complete turn around. I will be putting him on my alter in my prayer room. Be blessed and know God is with you no matter what.
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Indeed I will pray for your 'little man'...bless his darling heart and God bless you too, 'mommie.'

Angel, don't worry. My babies did the same thing and I was so scared. But yet they still thrived and are healthy and well and now both of them are taller than me. ;)

Yet, in Jesus name, we thank you Father God for the healing of this little man of yours. For Father God, He is yours indeed and you have entrusted him into the loving heart of this dear mother who has great concern for his change in appetite.

Father, you said in your word, that we should not live by bread alone, therefore we thank you for nourishing this precious child of yours with all of the nourishment that he needs to grow and be healthy and strong and right with you.

We love this little boy. Though we know him not, we love him for you love him even more. We place his care into your loving hands, and Father, we trust you with all of our hearts, for in you failure does not exist. Thank for hearing our heartfelt prayers in this and everything. In Jesus Name...Amen and Amen.

Now, mommie of this future at peace. God is there with every care for He promises to perfect all that concerns you and He will. Oh! Remember what the 'birds' fed to the phophet Elijah? It was bread. :lol: and he surely survived. So did Elijah and the widow woman and her son with the flour meal and the cruse of oil (bread) ...they survived.

So shall your precious son. ;) For your little one :kiss:
To all of my loving sisters - thank you, thank you. You have encouraged and strengthened me as well as given me sound advice. I am more than grateful to all of you. :kiss:

May God richly bless you all for your kindness.
