Prayers for my friend


Well-Known Member
Sometimes I don't want to answer my phone you guys. :nono: I just got the call that my friend's husband passed away. What's weird is we drove past their house last Sunday and the Supremes wanted to visit but I told them we would contact them this week. Well she called today to tell me he passed. He was diagnosed with cancer about a year ago. We prayed and he was healed and was in remission. Then in December they discovered it had spread to his lungs. He was admitted to the hospital and died 7 days later. She is so lonely and so sad. My heart aches for her. Please keep my friend T, and their kids in your prayers. Q
Thanks ladies. You know I knew before she even told me. I just knew it. I couldn't even imagine because they were married for over 20 years. He was so young too. She is trying to be strong but she feels so lonely. I am going to make sure on my days off I go and sit with her just to keep her company. Q
Thanks ladies. You know I knew before she even told me. I just knew it. I couldn't even imagine because they were married for over 20 years. He was so young too. She is trying to be strong but she feels so lonely. I am going to make sure on my days off I go and sit with her just to keep her company. Q

You are a blessing to your friend.
Thanks ladies. You know I knew before she even told me. I just knew it. I couldn't even imagine because they were married for over 20 years. He was so young too. She is trying to be strong but she feels so lonely. I am going to make sure on my days off I go and sit with her just to keep her company. Q

aww thats a totally beautiful thing to do, my heart goes out to her, she will need that company, thats beautiful that she will have it in such greif , she is blessed to have you-will be praying for her too and you-cause of course this affects you too and of course her kids and family
Que, it is a sad time for your friend and for you. I know your children are so sad they did not stop by but you should not feel any guilt about it because the Lord calls us home when it is time. I'm NOW an adamant believer in following that instinct to just 'stop by' when that feeling hits or to make that call when it hits. I feel so bad how my instincts told me to call my nephew's ex-wife a few weeks ago before Christmas but I did not...a week after Christmas she was dead of walking this day I feel truly sorry about neglecting to follow my mind and call her-I'll never ignore my 'feelings' again! I will always feel that I may have saved her life since she had the same symptoms I had before I was put in the hospital for the horrible respiratory infection I had.
You are a blessing to your friend.
Thank you. Q

aww thats a totally beautiful thing to do, my heart goes out to her, she will need that company, thats beautiful that she will have it in such greif , she is blessed to have you-will be praying for her too and you-cause of course this affects you too and of course her kids and family
Yes I need to sit down and have a talk with the Supremes. They adored him. Q

Que, it is a sad time for your friend and for you. I know your children are so sad they did not stop by but you should not feel any guilt about it because the Lord calls us home when it is time. I'm NOW an adamant believer in following that instinct to just 'stop by' when that feeling hits or to make that call when it hits. I feel so bad how my instincts told me to call my nephew's ex-wife a few weeks ago before Christmas but I did not...a week after Christmas she was dead of walking this day I feel truly sorry about neglecting to follow my mind and call her-I'll never ignore my 'feelings' again! I will always feel that I may have saved her life since she had the same symptoms I had before I was put in the hospital for the horrible respiratory infection I had.
Yeah I was thinking a lot about that too. I really need to make sure I listen to things and follow up like I said I would. Tomorrow on my day off, I will be making some phone calls to friends and family I've put off for way too long. I am going to make it a habit to check in on them at least once a month. ((hugs)) to you as well. Q
Gosh, this is sad. Time is so short. This makes me want to reach out to everyone and love on them a little extra. Que, we're keeping you, your family and your friend in our prayers. Squeeze her for us!
Oh, Que...I'm so, so sorry. Praying for have been through alot lately.

If you need to talk, you know you can call on me.

Luv ya!
When I read this, I felt so, so sad.

I will pray for your friend and for you too.

GOD's best to you for being a true friend. These days, there are not many of those around.
Que - I am so so sorry for your lost, and as a friend, I've been there. I received a dreadful phone call at around 4:00 am a few years back of my best friend losing her husband. It was a shock and he wasn't sick. Young man, died at 38 of a heart attack. I was on the first thing smoking out of DC down to South Carolina.

I stayed with her for five days, but the hardest part is when the funeral is over and everyone has gone home. This bothered me for a long time because I had to return back to DC for work and I wish I could have stayed with the and the children. But we spoke every single day on the phone and it was a struggle for her. That is the time where they need you the most. When everyone has gone home.

I will pray for your friend and for you as well.